Avengers #14

Comic Book Review: Avengers #14

Avengers #14 is here and with it comes the first chapter in Marvel’s Infinity event. That’s right, after months of wading through writer Jonathan Hickman’s “Marvel NOW!” world building, the Avengers series is finally picking up speed. But is this self titled “Prelude to Infinity” worth the wait? What secrets will be revealed? Is this…

Penny blackfeather

Comic Writer Francesca Dare: Ghosts, Parrots and Adventure

If you were to go into your local comic book shop and look at the names of those involved with the likes of mainstream publishers Marvel and DC, you’d probably leave with the impression that there’s little to no women in the comic book industry. While there is some unfortunate truth to the previous sentence,…

Marvel zombies

Geek Insider’s Top 5 Marvel Zombies

It’s Zombie Day here at Geek Insider in celebration of the newly released movie World War Z. Everyone loves a good zombie movie, but today we’re going to do things a little differently and take a look at some of the very best Marvel Zombies comic book characters! For those who don’t know, the idea…

Marvel venom

Comic Book Review: Venom #36

Venom #36 contains a version of the popular Spider-Man villain many readers may not be familiar with. But nevertheless, Flash Thompson’s bonding to the alien Venom symbiote is an interesting choice by Marvel and one that has seen great success for the Venom series since its debut in 2011. But is Venom #36 a good…

Avengers #13

Comic Book Review: Avengers #13

Avengers #13 is the most important comic book to come out of Marvel’s doors in recent weeks. Outer space is a large, scary place and the vast unknowns of space have never been as important as they are in the “Marvel NOW!” event. With the unexpected return of the High Evolutionary, what other surprises are…

Comic Review: Avengers #12

Thor, Iron Man, Spider-Man and the rest of the Avengers are back in Avengers #12, and this time they’re learning to appreciate the hardships of parenthood…? Not only that, but they’re hanging out in a prehistoric jungle inhabited by dinosaurs. As usual, comic book writer Jonathan Hickman has brought the worlds of sci-fi and super-heroes…

Deadpool game

Preview: Deadpool the Game

Comic fans have been waiting patiently for the arrival of Activision’s Deadpool later this year. Luckily for me, I was able to have a go on the first public demo of Deadpool for Xbox 360 at MCM London Comic Con. Marvel’s merc-with-a-mouth may have only had a brief appearance outside of his comics in X-Men…

Deadpool killustrated marvel

Comic Review: Deadpool Killustrated #4

Deadpool Killustrated poses some interesting questions. How do you defeat the un-defeatble? How do you beat super hero comic book characters that always win? And how can an indestructible villain die? The merc with a mouth Deadpool has got a pretty nifty idea of how to answer all three. Find out how in Geek Insider’s…

Agents of shield: marvel’s television tie-in picked up by abc

Agents of SHIELD: Marvel’s Television Tie-In Picked Up By ABC

In 2012 an odd thing happened. After “The Avengers” was released and every movie-going person in the world saw the film, its box-office receipts ballooned to a ridiculous amount. That wasn’t the odd part though. Even with Iron Man, Captain America and The Hulk carrying the screen time, a group of devoted fans clung to…

The incredible hulk

The Many Faces of The Incredible Hulk

Ah, The Incredible Hulk. Comic books are such a diverse medium brimming with imagination, witty humour, thoughtful social commentary and much, much more. But after a long day of controversial comic book mutants, Marvel’s distasteful rape scenes and a whole load of shoddy comic books (I’m looking at you, Wolverine MAX), the mean, green wrecking…

Marvel wolverine max #7

Comic Review: Wolverine MAX #7

Wolverine MAX #7 had the potential to be a truly gritty and visceral comic book worthy of the MAX Comics name. In fact, the ending of Wolverine MAX #6 left us with the promise of an enraged and vengeful Logan free from the shackles of his own self control. We expected blood and we expected…

Superman special edition free comic book day 2013

Comic Review: Superman Special Edition

Despite the title of this article and the official Free Comic Book Day website, this issue’s full title is not “Superman Special Edition” at all, but is in fact Superman: Last Son of Krypton Special Edition #1. Why such a convoluted title for what should be a simple introduction to Superman comics? The answer lies…

Marvel avengers #11

Comic Review: Avengers #11

This week’s comic review looks at the latest issue in Marvel’s sci-fi, space adventuring epic; Avengers #11. There’s been so much comic book related content here at Geek Insider that it’s hard to believe it’s been a whole two weeks since Marvel released Avengers #10. We’ve covered Free Comic Book Day 2013, analysed Marvel’s Infinity,…

Free comic book day 2013

Free Comic Book Day 2013: Our Picks

Free Comic Book Day 2013 was a fun day full of busy comic book shops, excited comic book fans and lots of free issues from the biggest publishers around the world. Hopefully all the comic book loving Geek Insider readers out there managed to nab all of the issues featured in our Free Comic Book…

Dc action comics #20

Comic Review: Action Comics #20

So far Geek Insider’s comic book reviews have focused on Marvel’s biggest and brightest in Wolverine MAX #6 and Avengers #10. But now it’s time to show DC some love as we look at their own big-name series in Geek Insider’s review of Action Comics #20 Action Comics is at the Forefront of DC’s New…