Avengers #10

Comic Review: Avengers #10

There’s plenty of mysteries to solve in the most recent instalment of the new Avengers storyline. But are there any answers to Marvel fans’ questions in the latest issue, and is this comic book worth your precious time and money? We have all the details here with Geek Insider’s review of Avengers #10. Earth’s Mightiest…

Ms. Marvel

On the Rape of Ms. Marvel

Although we may be told otherwise, there are still many major issues regarding equality between men and women in the Western world; issues which many would argue stem from a male dominated, misogynistic, global mass media industry. The comic book industry in particular is under almost constant scrutiny for its lack of female artists and…

Wolverine max

Comic Review: Wolverine MAX #6

The Wolverine MAX series tells the tale of a slightly different version of the popular X-Men member we all know and love. The Marvel MAX imprint deals with stories aimed at adult audiences and contains explicit content. A perfect home for the deadly Wolverine, wouldn’t you think? Lets’ find out with Geek Insider’s very first…

Uncanny avangers

On the Uncanny Avengers “M” Word Debate

There’s no denying that the characters and stories held within the floppy, unassuming pages of comic books have shaped modern film, animation, pop culture and beyond. Even so, the world of comic book publishing still sits alone on the fringe of popular media and out of the public eye. X-Men Fans Defend Marvel’s Mutants and…

Captain america: the winter soldier

Marvel Release Preview of Phase 2 Movies: Thor, Ant-Man and More

Fans of the spectacular Marvel comic book movies have finally received their 10-disc Marvel Cinematic Universe: Phase One – Avengers Assembled blu-ray box sets; which collect every Marvel film since the first Iron Man, minus the films under the “Marvel Knights” banner. This collection essentially chronicles the origins of each member of super-hero team The…

Cat woman

The Absolute Worst Comic Book Movies

Eight of the very worst comic book movie failures Movie goers have been spoiled for choice over the last decade or so with loads of top-quality comic book film adaptations. Whether you’re a fan of Nolan’s Dark Knight Trilogy or have been keeping up with the adventures of Captain America, Iron Man,The Incredible Hulk, Thor…

Tank girl

Geek Insiders’s Non-Super Comic Book Heroes

There’s nothing super about these non-super comic book heroes Be it Superman, Spider-Man, Justice League, The Avengers, or X-Men, you’ll be hard pressed to find any modern geek who isn’t without their favorite super-powered comic book hero. The list certainly doesn’t end there, as the world of comic books offers hundreds of weird and wonderful variations of…

Marvel comics vs dc comics

Marvel Comics vs DC Comics

Marvel released the Avengers on the 4th May 2012; which was a great success and grossed US$623,357,910 in the United States and US$888,400,000 globally. The movie included comic icons such as Ironman, Hulk, Thor and Captain America. Fans were delighted to see all of their heroes packed into one movie. The last two Ironman movies…

Iron man 3 movie

Iron Man 3 Round-Up

“Sorry, No Avengers”, “It’s Not a Serious Movie” & More Everyone has been anticipating the latest Iron Man addition to the ever famous franchise so the latest news revolving around it has fans itching to hear more. Forget about reading various news and several articles about Iron Man 3 – this post covers them all. …