Adventure time

Comic Review: Adventure Time 2013 Summer Special

Adventure Time 2013 Summer Special is just that, a bumper sized comic book annual containing four separate stories by four separate writers. But can such a diverse group of comic book writers and artists capture the charm of the Adventure Time television series? And is it worth picking up for a lazy, summertime read? Geek…

Venom #38

Comic Book Review: Venom #38

Venom #38 is the latest issue in Marvel’s thrilling tale of Flash Thompson as the secret avenger Venom. How will Venom continue his fight against Lord Ogre? How did jack O’Lantern escape prison? And most importantly, is Venom #38 worth your precious time? All the answers and more, right here in Geek Insider’s review of…

Superior carnage #1

Comic Book Review: Superior Carnage #1

Superior Carnage #1 aims to bring the Marvel psychopath kicking and screaming back into the Marvel Universe as part of their Superior Spider-Month. But does the genocidal alien wrecking machine have what it takes to win over comic book readers? Is the book worthy of its bold title? And is it a comic book worth…

Avengers #16

Comic Book Review: Avengers #16

Avengers #16 continues the countdown to Marvel’s big Infinity event next month. But as part of the ongoing “Prelude to Infinity”, what new revelations will Avengers #16 bring to the ever expanding Marvel Universe? What does the birth of the Earth’s newest organism mean for the Avengers? And is it worth your precious time? Geek…

Marvel infinity

Marvel Infinity Trailer Reveals Plot and Hints at Infinity Gauntlet

After months of waiting, Marvel’s big comic book event of the summer, Infinity, is almost here. In less than one month the first of a six-part story arc will launch, giving us what Marvel hopes to be the grandest Avengers story yet. In an attempt to build up the hype, Marvel has released a gripping…

Astro city #2

Comic Book Review: Astro City #2

Astro City #2 is finally here and with it comes the start of a new Astro City adventure. In this issue, writer Kurt Busiek introduces us to Marella, an ordinary woman with an extraordinary job. As an operative of a call centre devoted to directing emergency calls to super heroes, Marella’s life takes many wild…

Judge dredd classics #1

Comic Book Review: Judge Dredd Classics #1

Despite Judge Dredd and 2000AD being around since 1977, most comic books fans outside of the United Kingdom are likely to have had their first exposure to Mega-City One after watching Sylvester Stallone and Rob Schneider fool around in the 1995 cinematic let down Judge Dredd. But after having the slate wiped clean with the…

Venom #37

Comic Book Review: Venom #37

Venom #37 is here and with it we’re treated to the continuing story of bully-turned-hero Flash Thompson as he fights crime using the iconic Venom symbiote. How will Flash step up his game in the hunt for Lord Ogre? Has the secret of Venom been revealed? Can Flash keep the ever powerful alien suit under…

Comic Book Review: Avengers #15

Avengers #15 is the latest instalment of the ongoing comic book epic which sees the titular heroes face a new world that they don’t understand. As Marvel countdown to its Infinity event, what does the latest issue in its flagship series event have to offer? Everything you need to know and more, right here in…

Action comics #22

Comic Book Review: Action Comics #22

Action Comic #22 is DC’s latest comic book in a series devoted to Superman, Superman and more Superman. With the last story arc wrapped up nicely in Action Comics #21, what new adventures are in store for the Man of Steel and is it worth your precious time. We’ll let you know in Geek Insider…

Avengers #14

Comic Book Review: Avengers #14

Avengers #14 is here and with it comes the first chapter in Marvel’s Infinity event. That’s right, after months of wading through writer Jonathan Hickman’s “Marvel NOW!” world building, the Avengers series is finally picking up speed. But is this self titled “Prelude to Infinity” worth the wait? What secrets will be revealed? Is this…

Penny blackfeather

Comic Writer Francesca Dare: Ghosts, Parrots and Adventure

If you were to go into your local comic book shop and look at the names of those involved with the likes of mainstream publishers Marvel and DC, you’d probably leave with the impression that there’s little to no women in the comic book industry. While there is some unfortunate truth to the previous sentence,…

Marvel zombies

Geek Insider’s Top 5 Marvel Zombies

It’s Zombie Day here at Geek Insider in celebration of the newly released movie World War Z. Everyone loves a good zombie movie, but today we’re going to do things a little differently and take a look at some of the very best Marvel Zombies comic book characters! For those who don’t know, the idea…

Astro city #1

Comic Book Review: Astro City #1

Astro City #1 sees the triumphant return of Kurt Busiek’s off-beat, super hero comic book series. It’s been many years since the series’ prequel  Astro City: The Dark Age and more years since we’ve heard from our favourite Astro City inhabitants. But even though there’s a lot to catch up on, Astro City #1 answers our…

Marvel venom

Comic Book Review: Venom #36

Venom #36 contains a version of the popular Spider-Man villain many readers may not be familiar with. But nevertheless, Flash Thompson’s bonding to the alien Venom symbiote is an interesting choice by Marvel and one that has seen great success for the Venom series since its debut in 2011. But is Venom #36 a good…