Marvel comics villains first appearances

Marvel Comics Villains First Appearances

In 1961, The first book, The Fantastic Four by Jack Kirby and Stan Lee, brought Marvel’s first family to the fans, and things were never the same again. These supervillains introduced new concepts to the comic world and became mainstream names. Surprisingly, some of the supervillains introduced then still stick around. The Fantastic Four was…

Major payne's comic compound, taking the pain out of comic collecting, cgc, cbcs, comic grading, collectibles, comics, marvel, dc, indie comics, raginavc

Major Payne’s Comic Compound is Taking the Pain Out of Comic Collecting

For immediate release Edwin Payne, the owner and operator of Major Payne’s Comic Compound, is proud to announce the grand opening of his store location on Hawthorne Boulevard in Torrance, California. The dream to open a bricks and mortar store was created out of a drive and passion to help comic collectors and enthusiasts find…


Sony’s Morbius Trailer is Here

The trailer for Morbius looks more like a sci-fi movie about a haunted scientist than a Marvel flick. From what I see, the former is a synopsis that moviegoers would love to watch, the latter just does not fit in with the vibe MCU fans love about Marvel characters. I mean check out the trailer…

Sex in comics

Comics Gone Bad! Ms Marvel Raped & Other Crazy Sex Stories

Yep, you read that right. Ms. Marvel was raped in Marvel comics and not some weird Fan Fiction production. The worst part is, Carol Danvers’ rape is arguably not the worst part of that story at all, but we’ll get to that. Let’s face it, when a good portion of the non-fan population hears the…

Is disney+ set to change the worlds we know & love?

Is Disney+ Set to Change the Worlds We Know & Love?

The launch of Disney+ almost 2 weeks ago was met with a lot of hype and supped up expectations. However, are they setting up to change the MCU, the Star Wars universe, and television as we know it? Holding back some of the more recent Star Wars and Marvel movies with the promise of future…

Marvel madness: trailer breakdowns and anticipations

Marvel Madness: Trailer Breakdowns and Anticipations

Trailer Time! Howdy fellow geeks! Today we take a look at some trailers for upcoming big event movies in the MCU and broader Marvel movie-verse. After this month’s fantastic Captain Marvel, the hype is ever-building for the next forays into the comic book realm. Our trailer breakdown docket: Spider-Man: Far From Home, Avengers: Endgame, and…

The punisher, fan fiction, coyote moon

The Punisher: Coyote Moon (Fan Fiction)

*Adult Content Advisory*  Chapter: 1 The man sat in the darkened room alone, as it was seemingly meant to always be, and as he rubbed a hand across his bearded chin, he chuckled softly to himself. He’d always hated the way facial hair made him look and he’d kept himself clean shaven for the majority…

Netflix marvels: an inside look at ‘the punisher’

Netflix Marvels: An Inside Look at ‘The Punisher’

Over the next few weeks we’re going to take an inside look at the various Marvel series that Netflix has been producing. Since this is the first one, we’re going to start with my personal favorite The Punisher. Now, it’s no secret that I’m a huge superhero fan and comic-geek. I’m the oldest teenage boy…

New venom trailer

New ‘Venom’ Trailer Alleviates ALL Fears

Okay this just hit my inbox and I had to run over and do a quick update! A few weeks ago I did an article on Venom and at the time, we only had a teaser to go by. Well now Sony has released a full trailer and HOLY CRAP did it get me pumped! It…

Free comic book day 2015

Free Comic Book Day 2015 Is Almost Here!

It’s been a long, cold winter but it looks like Spring is finally here. Flowers are blooming, birds are singing, and Free Comic Book Day is almost upon us. You Read That Correctly…FREE Hard to believe, but way back in 2001 things were not so shiny for the comics industry. Christopher Nolan hadn’t dipped his magical…

Russo brothers are directing avengers: infinity war

What the Russo Brothers Can Do for ‘Avengers: Infinity War’

When it was set in infinity stone that Marvel chose the Russo brothers to take charge of the final chapters of the Avengers trilogy, the internet was a bit divided. Of course no one wants to see the fan favorite and Marvel’s own golden boy Joss Whedon go, but choices had to be made once…

4 characters that can improve the marvel cinematic universe diversity

4 Characters That Can Improve the Marvel Cinematic Universe Diversity

Let’s take a jump aboard the controversial band wagon today. In recent months we’ve seen dramatic movements in terms of portraying diversity among our heroic and villainous ranks. Thor’s a woman, Captain America’s black. The Mandarin resembled an American Jihadist and Aquaman is now…Hawaiian (I think). Now I’m game as long as the content, or…