Top 10 alan moore comics

Top 10 Alan Moore Comics Every Fan Should Read

Here’s a list of the top 10 comics every Alan Moore fan should read (if you haven’t already). Even the most casual comic book connoisseur is familiar with Alan Moore’s Watchmen and V for Vendetta. But if you’re just getting into comics or were done with Alan Moore after reading the Watchmen (because it’s kind…

Stan lee addresses falcon as captain america

Stan Lee Addresses Falcon as Captain America

Stan Lee was in attendance at Salt Lake City Comic-Con this weekend. He sat down with and discussed the recent news about Falcon picking up the shield in the Captain America comics series, about which Lee seems to know very little. You Can’t Know Everything… Lee is a huge figure in the comics world,…

San diego comic con: highlights and schedule

San Diego Comic Con: Highlights And Schedule

Comic-Con is coming! On the 24th of July, the convention in San Diego kicks off, and it’s promising to be a big one. Comic-Con has always been a major event in geek culture, after all – if more for cosplaying than anything else. Thursday Beginning at 10:00, Jan Schroeder and Jon Del Arroz will discuss…

Captain america is now african american

Captain America Is Now African American

Coming off the heels of the announcement that the new Thor will be female, Marvel has made another change to one of Marvel’s big three (Thor, Captain America, and Iron-Man); namely, Captain America will be black. The New Captain America Sam Wilson, otherwise known as the Falcon, will be taking over the mantle of Captain…

Comic review: miles morales: ultimate spider-man #1, the legacy continues

Comic Review: Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-Man #1, The Legacy Continues

A Brand New Day For the Brand New Spider-Man Calamity can not keep Miles Morales down as adversity, both new and old, comes his way.  After the death of Ultimate Peter Parker, Miles took over his book, Ultimate Comics Spider-Man.  Now following a world changing event, he’s got his own book bearing his own namesake,…

Comic book television preview: part 2- marvel comics

Comic Book Television Preview: Part 2- Marvel Comics

In part one of our look into the upcoming invasion of comic book characters to your television screens, we investigated the two upcoming dramas based on DC Comics characters. Well, fear not Marvel fans; this time we look to see what Stan Lee Studios has coming up. (I say that figuratively, Stan the cameo man…

“agents of shield,” sleepy hollow” and the supernatural police procedural

“Agents of SHIELD,” Sleepy Hollow” and the Supernatural Police Procedural

The talk with television these days has been with cable shows. From the Emmy red carpet to the trending topics on Twitter, the buzz follows “Breaking Bad,” “Game of Thrones,” and “The Walking Dead” among others. It makes sense. These shows are able to push boundaries in ways that those on network TV cannot. But…

Batfleck, james bland and other casting controversies

Batfleck, James Bland And Other Casting Controversies

What do you think was the big news story of the last week? The crisis in Syria? No. You and all major media outlets are wrong. The only story as far as my social media feeds were concerned last week was the casting of a man to play a fictional man who flies about and…

Graphic content #02: the rise of postmodern comics, part two

Graphic Content #02: The Rise of Postmodern Comics, Part Two

How titles such as Hawkeye and Young Avengers are redefining how we experience sequential art, and why the industry should take notice. Welcome to “Graphic Content”, a weekly feature where I discuss my thoughts on comic books and graphic novels (old and new), and the industry in general. In my last column, which was paradoxically…

Superior carnage #1

Comic Book Review: Superior Carnage #1

Superior Carnage #1 aims to bring the Marvel psychopath kicking and screaming back into the Marvel Universe as part of their Superior Spider-Month. But does the genocidal alien wrecking machine have what it takes to win over comic book readers? Is the book worthy of its bold title? And is it a comic book worth…

Avengers #16

Comic Book Review: Avengers #16

Avengers #16 continues the countdown to Marvel’s big Infinity event next month. But as part of the ongoing “Prelude to Infinity”, what new revelations will Avengers #16 bring to the ever expanding Marvel Universe? What does the birth of the Earth’s newest organism mean for the Avengers? And is it worth your precious time? Geek…

Marvel infinity

Marvel Infinity Trailer Reveals Plot and Hints at Infinity Gauntlet

After months of waiting, Marvel’s big comic book event of the summer, Infinity, is almost here. In less than one month the first of a six-part story arc will launch, giving us what Marvel hopes to be the grandest Avengers story yet. In an attempt to build up the hype, Marvel has released a gripping…

Venom #37

Comic Book Review: Venom #37

Venom #37 is here and with it we’re treated to the continuing story of bully-turned-hero Flash Thompson as he fights crime using the iconic Venom symbiote. How will Flash step up his game in the hunt for Lord Ogre? Has the secret of Venom been revealed? Can Flash keep the ever powerful alien suit under…

Comic Book Review: Avengers #15

Avengers #15 is the latest instalment of the ongoing comic book epic which sees the titular heroes face a new world that they don’t understand. As Marvel countdown to its Infinity event, what does the latest issue in its flagship series event have to offer? Everything you need to know and more, right here in…