Netflix april 2019

What’s Coming and Going From Netflix April 2019

Ah! Everyone, take a deep breath. April is here, and with that, we are one step closer to summer. Netflix’s April catalog promises lots of exciting content. Material that will leave you howling with laughter, gripped with tension or simply riveted. Here’s all the things we’re looking forward to in the coming month, as well…

Spielberg at the center of a streaming scandal

Spielberg at the Center of a Streaming Scandal

Steven Spielberg has a way of generating headlines. History’s most successful director, with a career spanning more than five decades, he has been widely praised as one of Hollywood’s most prescient and pioneering visionaries. His criticism last month of streaming giant Netflix, coupled with his newly announced collaboration with Netflix competitor Apple TV+, are sure…

After life, netflix

10 Times ‘After Life’ Taught Us About Hope

Returning to our screens with little or no kerfuffle (as Karl Pilkington would say) Gervais’ new vehicle After Life deals with the fallout of grief. After the death of his wife through breast cancer, Tony has nothing to lose but his life. And gladly would, were it not for his gorgeous dog. So! What to…

Russian doll, netflix

Loops in Time and the ‘Russian Doll’ Effect

Each of us has harboured a desire to go back and rewrite the past at some point. From bad arguments to bad decisions and fender benders, sometimes life deals a blow. One that could be dodged if you were forewarned, right? Perhaps this is why we have such fixations on this type of fiction. Time…

What’s coming and going from netflix march 2019

What’s Coming and Going From Netflix March 2019

With spring just around the corner, TV addicts still have plenty of indoor time left to catch up on scheduled programming. March offers a variety of exciting content, and when you’re not taking in sports media (but really, who likes sports?), flip on over to your trusty Netflix app. If March tells us, “Beware the…

Quincy: an ode to american self-reinvention

Quincy: An Ode to American Self-Reinvention

Co-directed by Rashida Jones and Alan Hicks, and winner, just last week, of the Grammy Award for Best Music Film, Quincy (released by Netflix in September of 2018) is a documentary about the extraordinary life of Quincy Jones, a man whose amazing artistic career spans seven decades in music, film, TV, and even printed media. The…

‘the umbrella academy’ is loopy, bonkers, and worth the watch

‘The Umbrella Academy’ Is Loopy, Bonkers, and Worth the Watch

My goths! My nerds! And especially those of you who fall into that sweet, soft section of the Venn diagram where the two overlap, rejoice, The Umbrella Academy is here, and it is as delightfully loopy and bonkers as we all hoped it would be. In a landscape where it is no more incisive than…

‘titans’ s1e2 – we have the beginnings of our romantic storyline

‘Titans’ S1E2 – We Have the Beginnings of Our Romantic Storyline

At the beginning of the second episode of Titans, we are introduced to a crime-fighting couple – Hawk and Dove aka Hank and Dawn when they are not out fighting crime. Hawk is played by Alan Ritchson, and we have Minka Kelly in the role of Dove. Our introduction to them finds Hawk in quite…

Sex education: every day is a school day

Sex Education: Every Day is a School Day

It has been a month since the Netflix release of Sex Education, a show dedicated to discussing all things sexually awkward. The flood of discussions, reviews, memes, and hashtags arising tell many stories. People are in love and it is not hard to see why. The show celebrates difference in sexuality, otherness, and knowing yourself….

What’s coming and going from netflix february 2019

What’s Coming and Going From Netflix February 2019

Anyone else in awe we’re already a month into 2019? Where does the time go? Oh, yeah.  Now I remember. All the movies, TV shows, original content, photo apps and just about every other technological distraction capitalism blessed us with. Who can blame us for loving it though? Netflix and chill, baby. Netflix and chill. Here’s…

The week in geek entertainment news 1/18/2019 – links

The Week in Geek Entertainment News 1/18/2019 – Links

All the important geek news from this week rounded up in one place. Is Josh Gad (who voices Olaf) going to play Penguin? He keeps dropping hints. – The Spider-man: Far From Home trailer is here: Watch the #SpiderManFarFromHome teaser trailer now. 7.5.19 ?️ — Spider-Man (@SpiderManMovie) January 15, 2019 Jason Reitman is making a…

What’s coming and going from netflix january 2019: happy new year!

What’s Coming and Going From Netflix January 2019: HAPPY NEW YEAR!

  If your New Year’s resolution for the what-will-be phenomenal year of 2019 is “watch less television,” then this post is not for you! Netflix’s 2019 haul offers a veritable gauntlet of excellent content and sufficient time-wasters. If your resolution is to get to the gym more often, download the app and stream while getting…