Loot crate march 2015: the ultimate geek & gamer subscription unboxing

Loot Crate March 2015: The Ultimate Geek & Gamer Subscription Unboxing

Ah, nothing like the fresh, sweet smell of loot! There’s no better feeling than getting some awesome stuff in the mail, especially since that cursed mail box usually only delivers sorrow and bills.   On that note, let’s look what March brought in the wonderful world of Loot Crate Subscriptions!   I would like to…

Sexism in comics and 10 stupid reasons people defend it

Sexism in Comics and 10 Stupid Reasons People Defend It

The sexism seen in the video game industry and comic industry is nothing new, there are mountains of evidence as to the reality of this issue and yet, people still get up in arms about it. So let’s look at the top ten arguments against the idea there is sexism in comics and why every…

‘disney infinity: marvel’ will get kids into comic books

‘Disney Infinity: Marvel’ Will Get Kids Into Comic Books

Forbes writer Andy Robertson recently got his hands on the entire collection of playable figures for Disney INFINITY: Marvel Superheroes (affectionately being referred to by fans as Disney Infinity 2.0). Being the realistic human and good journalist that his is, Robertson decided to allow the target audience of the game to have a go at…

A beginner’s guide to comic books

A Beginner’s Guide to Comic Books

Movies based on comic books have been hitting theaters since the ‘90s, but not quite as relentlessly as those in the last decade or so. It’s only August and five—that’s right five!—comic-based blockbusters have hit the silver screen somewhere near you, and there are only sure to be more. For publishers, movies allow them to…

5 early comics from around the world

5 Early Comics From Around The World

5. Choujuu-jinbutsu-giga or “Animal-Person Caricatures” (Japan) Choujuu-jinbutsu-giga (the literal translation of which is “Animal-Person Caricatures”), shortened to Choujuu-giga, is a 12th/13th century Japanese series of scroll drawings (emakimono) from Kyoto, Japan, and is widely recognized as the first manga. The series of scrolls has no confirmed author, though many scholars believe the monk and astronomer Toba Soujou created them. The right-to-left reading direction of Choujuu-giga is thought to have created the…

Behind the scenes: comics with rashad doucet

Behind the Scenes: Comics with Rashad Doucet

Last month, Jey Odin, creator of Chicken Fighter  from Antarctic Press, drew Burrito about me as ‘Apocalypse Jessie’ and had it published on USA Today as a surprise birthday present. I started thinking about what it takes an idea stemming from things like a conversation, daydream, or random thought and developing it into a marketable story….

Batfleck, james bland and other casting controversies

Batfleck, James Bland And Other Casting Controversies

What do you think was the big news story of the last week? The crisis in Syria? No. You and all major media outlets are wrong. The only story as far as my social media feeds were concerned last week was the casting of a man to play a fictional man who flies about and…

Graphic content #03: controversial creators

Graphic Content #03: Controversial Creators

With the trend of unpopular statements from some comic creators in recent months, should these notorious figures (and their properties) be held accountable? Graphic Content: Controversial Creators In recent months, controversial statements from writers such as Orson Scott Card, Todd McFarlane, and Mark Millar have outraged the public, leading to calls for boycotts of their…

The big bang theory conundrum

The Big Bang Theory Conundrum

Stop me if this sounds familiar: Thing comes into existence. Thing gathers more fans and snowballs in popularity. People start to become actively angry that this thing is becoming popular, which then grows in direct proportion to the popularity of the thing. This is happening with The Big Bang Theory, a show watched by upwards…

Comic review: adventure time 2013 summer special

Comic Review: Adventure Time 2013 Summer Special

Adventure Time 2013 Summer Special is just that, a bumper sized comic book annual containing four separate stories by four separate writers. But can such a diverse group of comic book writers and artists capture the charm of the Adventure Time television series? And is it worth picking up for a lazy, summertime read? Geek…

Comic book review: venom #38

Comic Book Review: Venom #38

Venom #38 is the latest issue in Marvel’s thrilling tale of Flash Thompson as the secret avenger Venom. How will Venom continue his fight against Lord Ogre? How did jack O’Lantern escape prison? And most importantly, is Venom #38 worth your precious time? All the answers and more, right here in Geek Insider’s review of…

Comic book review: superior carnage #1

Comic Book Review: Superior Carnage #1

Superior Carnage #1 aims to bring the Marvel psychopath kicking and screaming back into the Marvel Universe as part of their Superior Spider-Month. But does the genocidal alien wrecking machine have what it takes to win over comic book readers? Is the book worthy of its bold title? And is it a comic book worth…

Comic book review: avengers #16

Comic Book Review: Avengers #16

Avengers #16 continues the countdown to Marvel’s big Infinity event next month. But as part of the ongoing “Prelude to Infinity”, what new revelations will Avengers #16 bring to the ever expanding Marvel Universe? What does the birth of the Earth’s newest organism mean for the Avengers? And is it worth your precious time? Geek…

Marvel infinity trailer reveals plot and hints at infinity gauntlet

Marvel Infinity Trailer Reveals Plot and Hints at Infinity Gauntlet

After months of waiting, Marvel’s big comic book event of the summer, Infinity, is almost here. In less than one month the first of a six-part story arc will launch, giving us what Marvel hopes to be the grandest Avengers story yet. In an attempt to build up the hype, Marvel has released a gripping…

Comic book review: astro city #2

Comic Book Review: Astro City #2

Astro City #2 is finally here and with it comes the start of a new Astro City adventure. In this issue, writer Kurt Busiek introduces us to Marella, an ordinary woman with an extraordinary job. As an operative of a call centre devoted to directing emergency calls to super heroes, Marella’s life takes many wild…