Catdad and supermom an elefart never forgets, comic book, rob andersin, geek insider, kickstarter

CatDad and SuperMom – An Unexpected Anti-Bullying Message

Every once in a while you come upon an unexpected gem; something you didn’t know you needed in your life, but now that you’ve found it, everyone within reach is going to hear about it. That’s how I feel about Rob Andersin’s CatDad and SuperMom – An Elefart Never Forgets. CatDad and SuperMom – An…

Nerd out app

Nerd Out: Never Miss a Gathering of Like-Minded Individuals Again

When a large-scale convention is happening in your area, you know about it. But what about those smaller gatherings that often go unnoticed? That’s where Nerd Out comes in. Nerd Out is an event calendar and social network for nerds in app form. If you are looking for a con in your area or just…

Mighty no. 9

‘Mighty No. 9’ Gets Equipped With Disappointment

One of Kickstarter’s most hotly anticipated projects, Mighty No. 9, finally saw the light of day on June 21 in America and Japan, and critical response has deemed the game anything but ‘mighty.’ According to critics, Mighty No. 9 has landed with a thud. Debuting with a 56 on Metacritic for the Xbox One version (the highest score across all platforms),…


Playtonic Reveals More Details on ‘Yooka-Laylee’

One year ago, the creative team behind games like Banjo-Kazooie and Donkey Kong Country ended their Kickstarter to bring their new buddy-duo platformer, Yooka Laylee, to life. Since around that time, Playtonic Games went to work making the game. The studio recently dumped a whole bunch of info about the newest gaming duo to grace…

Baubax travel jacket, kickstarter, fully funded

The Latest Geeky Gadget Apparel: The BauBax Travel Jacket

In the past months, the BauBax travel jacket has been immensely popular and highly-rated all over the Internet. Originating on the crowdfunding site Kickstarter, this item has been fully funded and can now be preordered. Here’s what you need to know. The Ultimate Jacket for Anything The BauBax jacket, like most Kickstarter projects, started out…

The basics notebook

Popular on Kickstarter: The Basics Notebook

Searching for the right notebook can be a time-consuming, expensive activity. There are so many brands out there and so many options for size, paper type, color, and cover material. Cousins Jon Richards and Jacob Durham are developing a notebook on Kickstarter, which they believe could be the product many notebook-seekers are looking for. It…

Graphic novel fangirl

Kickstarter Spotlight: Graphic Novel ‘Fangirl’

For us girls, it’s hard to find a good female character to look up to in the nerd world. There are few strong female protagonists in comics and other facets of nerd culture, especially ones that are “as nerdy as the boys.” That’s why writer and CEO of Spinner Rack Comics, Tom Stillwell, is working on…

Crazy kickstarter projects

6 Crazy Kickstarter Projects That Actually Succeeded

Geek Insider has frequently looked at some of the most interesting and coolest projects launched on Kickstarter, as well as how the Kickstarter site itself is a great way for people to achieve their dreams. However, it is also the place where people can achieve their most ridiculous aspirations as well. Now it’s time to…

Hendo hoverboard: will you be the next mcfly?

Hendo Hoverboard: Will You Be The Next McFly?

People have been fascinated with the idea of hoverboards since Back to the Future II came out. The idea of being able to glide unimpeded over virtually anything has a lot of appeal. Just imagine the tricks you’d be able to pull off if you weren’t impeded by wheels. Well, it turns out the actual…

‘classic alice’ – exclusive cast and crew interview

‘Classic Alice’ – Exclusive Cast and Crew Interview

Are you a book lover? Can you binge watch nerdy shows? Do you wish you lived in 19th century Britain and think that Amanda Price from ‘Lost in Austen’ is your spirit animal? If so, fellow human, we have just the thing for you! Last week, yours truly got the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to video interview the most amazing…

Exclusive interview with peter simeti, creator of ‘the chair’

Exclusive Interview with Peter Simeti, Creator of ‘The Chair’

Put an innocent man in death row, pair him up with a psychotic and sadistic Warden, add in torture, murder, gruesome brutality, and what do you get? The plot for The Chair. A cult graphic novel from 2006, The Chair is equal parts horror and psychological thriller and is now in the process of making it to the big…

The coolest cooler kickstarters of the week

Kickstarters of the Week: Coolest Cooler and SSSSSpeaker

Coolest Cooler If you’ve been looking for the most tricked out cooler that still embodies a sleek and sophisticated design, then the Coolest Cooler is right up your alley. It comes complete with a weatherproof Bluetooth speaker, battery rechargeable blender, USB charger for devices on the go, LED light inside the lid (which opens in…

Kickstarters of the week: hando & hexo+

Kickstarters of the Week: Hando & Hexo+

Hando Robotic Stabilizer Hando is a stabilizing arm made to fit smartphones and GoPro cameras for optimal stabilization while taking photos and videos. It stabilizes the camera in both the roll and pitch axes, and has a trigger to let the user toggle the camera up or down while still stabilized. Hando uses complex algorithms…

‘airdog’ soaring high on kickstarter

‘AirDog’ Soaring High on Kickstarter

AirDog is a brand new gadget produced and designed by Helico Aerospace Industries US LLC.The AirDog is made specifically for the popular GoPro handheld camera. In fact, it is the first autonomous drone that is used for the GoPro camera. The AirDog does not need controlling, unlike other products that currently use the GoPro for…

Spark: the musical instrument that generates energy

Spark: The Musical Instrument That Generates Energy

For those who live off-grid, especially in Second and Third World countries, finding ways to bring affordable (and, ideally, clean) energy to their homes is a unique challenge. We’ve developed technology that can convert sun rays and wind into energy, but at a price. One that the world’s poor or struggling populations can’t afford. How…