The geeky girls’ book blog: ‘wonderful town’ part 1

The Geeky Girls’ Book Blog: ‘Wonderful Town’ Part 1

Happy Friday, book lovers! Did you buy and read Chopsticks yet? I certainly hope so! Last week (with much thanks to the G2B2 vote), I managed to convince an old friend of mine to get her own copy of that awesome little book and guess what? She loved it! (Well, actually, she’s quite tormented like I…

The geeky girls’ book blog: ‘chopsticks’

The Geeky Girls’ Book Blog: ‘Chopsticks’

Hello lovely readers! Once again, I, your friendly neighborhood geek girl, welcome you to this fortnightly Geeky Girls’ Book Blog a.k.a G2B2. If you’ve been following this column, you already know that two weeks ago, we wrapped up (for now) the reviews for Holly Smale’s Geek Girl  series, because the remaining books are yet to be…

The geeky girls’ book blog: ‘picture perfect’

The Geeky Girls’ Book Blog: ‘Picture Perfect’

Welcome back to the geeky book corner, friends! Today I bring to you the third book in Holly Smale’s bestselling Geek Girl series: Picture Perfect where our To quickly refresh your memory (the first book was reviewed a full four weeks ago, can you imagine?) let me go over what’s happened so far. We’ve been introduced to…

‘classic alice’ – exclusive cast and crew interview

‘Classic Alice’ – Exclusive Cast and Crew Interview

Are you a book lover? Can you binge watch nerdy shows? Do you wish you lived in 19th century Britain and think that Amanda Price from ‘Lost in Austen’ is your spirit animal? If so, fellow human, we have just the thing for you! Last week, yours truly got the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to video interview the most amazing…

The geeky girls’ book blog: ‘model misfit’

The Geeky Girls’ Book Blog: ‘Model Misfit’

Hello there, fellow bibliophiles, and welcome to another installment of your favorite fortnightly column, the Geek Girls’ Book Blog aka G2B2! As promised, today I bring to you a review of the second book from Holly Smale’s Geek Girl series where we’ll learn more about the (not so) secret life of Harriet Manners and whether or…

The geeky girls’ book blog: ‘geek girl’

The Geeky Girls’ Book Blog: ‘Geek Girl’

Introducing…the Geeky Girls’ Book Blog!  Hello, fellow geeky and nerdy friends of the internet! This is your friendly neighborhood Geek Girl aka Ananya, and from now on, I’ll be bringing you this fortnightly column full of super entertaining book reviews for the inner (and not-so-inner) book nerd in you. The Geeky Girls’ Book Blog (or…

Silent beacon: overview and exclusive interview

Silent Beacon: Overview and Exclusive Interview

Two weeks ago, as I was going home after work, I noticed four young guys walking behind me. I assumed that I was slowing them down and edged closer to the wall to let them pass through, only to realize that the boys were now intentionally blocking my way – ambling too slow for me to be able to walk…

What’s hot and what’s not about gmail’s new “unsubscribe” link

What’s Hot and What’s Not About Gmail’s New “Unsubscribe” Link

Rejoice, fellow humans on the internet! After what seems like an inordinately extended period of time, Google has finally announced that their excellent team is ready to roll out Gmail’s new “Unsubscribe” link feature. The news went out on Wednesday and states that this link, which will appear on the top of suspected spam messages, will make it twice as…

J.K. Rowling Writes Heartrending Letter to Shooting Survivor

At the young age of fifteen, Cassidy Stay of Texas has lived horrors that no one could wish upon even their cruelest of enemies. Yet, in the face of imminent death and the loss of her loved ones, she proved to be a true Griffindor and moved J.K. Rowling into sending her a rare handwritten note. From the depths…

Save yourself: russian hackers have your passwords!

Save Yourself: Russian Hackers Have Your Passwords!

If you’ve been debating about changing your e-mail or social networking account password, now would be a great time to make the switch. According to the Wisconsin-based firm called Hold Security, a Russian cyber-crime ring has recently acquired about 1.2 billion usernames and passwords from over 420,000 websites all around the globe. The identities of the affected websites remain unknown so…

Game of thrones fans can now learn dothraki, khal-status and horse not included

Game of Thrones Fans Can Now Learn Dothraki, Khal-Status And Horse Not Included

What do your Dothraki partners mean when they ask you to go watch the athdrivar shekhi with them? Is it an execution? A belly dance performance? The glorious hair of Daenerys Targaryen? WHAT?! Well, come October you will no longer have to face such frustrating communication gaps. David J. Peterson, the official linguist behind HBO’s adaptation…

Apple takes on amazon with booklamp aka “pandora for books”

Apple Takes On Amazon With BookLamp aka “Pandora for Books”

We all are aware by now, thanks to rapid fire launches of drones, phones, and unlimited subscription services, that Amazon is currently the ruler of all things e-marketing. When it comes to book publishing then, how could Amazon let anyone else take the throne? Well, it might be too soon to predict and too small…

Exclusive interview with peter simeti, creator of ‘the chair’

Exclusive Interview with Peter Simeti, Creator of ‘The Chair’

Put an innocent man in death row, pair him up with a psychotic and sadistic Warden, add in torture, murder, gruesome brutality, and what do you get? The plot for The Chair. A cult graphic novel from 2006, The Chair is equal parts horror and psychological thriller and is now in the process of making it to the big…

3 mit students make 3d-printed ice cream and it looks awesome!

3 MIT Students Make 3D-Printed Ice Cream And It Looks Awesome!

3D printing technology has been used to create pretty amazing things, from cute phone cases to anatomically correct cadavers and surgical implants to shocking art. Since yesterday however, the world of 3D printing just got ten times sweeter, thanks to three students from MIT. Kyle Hounsell, Kristine Bunker, and David Donghyun Kim – all currently attending the esteemed…