Futuristic sci-fi gadgets someone needs to invent asap

Futuristic Sci-Fi Gadgets Someone Needs to Invent ASAP

Everyone knows that science fiction can influence actual science and technology, as with Star Trek’s communicators possibly inspiring the cell phone. Unfortunately some of the cooler aspects of sci-fi might always remain fictional, existing only as plastic props or CGI. Neverthless, we can always hold out hope, and here are a few of the futuristic…

Doctor who

Control Your Devices With The Sonic Screwdriver from Doctor Who

Perhaps one of the most iconic gadgets in popular culture is the infamous Sonic Screwdriver from Doctor Who. Although the device has changed throughout the years, it has remained the Doctor’s most used gadget, giving him the ability to pick locks, perform medical scans and find nearby extra-terrestrial danger. As iconic as the Sonic Screwdriver…

Cards against humanity: ‘doctor who’ themed expansion

Cards Against Humanity: ‘Doctor Who’ Themed Expansion

Ah, Cards Against Humanity– the card game perfect for entertainment at parties and showing off what a depraved, insensitive cretin you truly are. Described as “Apples to Apples for horrible people” and marketed as “as despicable and awkward as you and your friends,” (not to mention chock full of pop and geek culture references,) it’s…

Doctor who christmas special: goodnight, raggedy man

Doctor Who Christmas Special: Goodnight, Raggedy Man

As a warning, there are minimal spoilers here, but spoilers nonetheless, Sweetie. These days there is a television Christmas special to match everyone’s personal taste.  From SyFy’s Warehouse 13 to Lifetime’s A Country Christmas Story, our dear writers and producers of the entertainment industry have us covered. For the English, anglomaniacs, and scifi/fantasy buffs it’s…

Exciting extended trailer for the doctor who christmas special

Exciting Extended Trailer for the Doctor Who Christmas Special

Get ready for some wibbly-wobbly-Christmasy-wistmasy action, Doctor Who style! Doctor Who Christmas Special More action! More Doctor! Get ready, because the Doctor Who Christmas Special is coming your way and this trailer is practically BEGGING you to watch it!  

Doctor who – how to become a whovian?

Doctor Who – How To Become A Whovian?

My friends are generally fairly rational, balanced human beings. But something unusual happened over the previous weekend. I was with a friend of mine Saturday night as we headed to a novel-writing session in London, and she was becoming increasingly agitated. Words became harder to fathom from her, and when they came they were blurted…

Capaldi’s 12th Doctor’s Wardrobe

From the minute that Peter Capaldi was announced to be the 12th regeneration of the Doctor on the popular BBC television show, Doctor Who, the question on all of the fans’ lips has been this: “What will the 12th Doctor wear?” From the demure checked pants and black somber jacket of William Hartnell’s First Doctor…

5 geeky characters to crush on

5 Geeky Characters to Crush On

Since there have been movies and television, there has been that perfect hero for us to fall for. From Sean Connery’s James Bond, Bruce Willis’s John McClane, Sylvester Stallone’s Rambo, Lucy Lawless’ Xena, and even Sarah Michelle Gellar’s Buffy, we have always had that idea of the strong hero to save us from danger. With…

10 doctor who moments that mad us cry

10 Doctor Who Moments That Made Us Cry

Doctor Who can be a heart-wrenching, stomach-churning mistress. Amidst the jokes, silliness, and Eleven’s wide array of amusing hats, there is the constant possibility of tears. And I do mean constant. 10 Memorable Doctor Who Moments It’s a given that fans will be sad when their favorite companion or Doctor is scheduled to exit the…

5 facts you never knew about doctor who

5 Facts You Never Knew About Doctor Who

The Doctor is perhaps one of the most mysterious characters ever to grace our TV screens. With fifty years under its belt, the show itself is expected to have a few secrets of its own. Although these might not be quite that dramatic, here are a few lesser known facts you never knew about Doctor Who….

Dalek at tredegar house

I found The Doctor in the Welsh countryside

I’ve been doing a little bit of sightseeing in the beautiful countryside of Wales; an oft-overlooked, much-mocked country (think New Zealand to Australia or Canada to the US) . But it actually has some amazing landscapes, and a fantastic history to boot. The BBC certainly think so too, and it is in a grand country manor that I find some artifacts from…

Peter Capaldi Announced as the Twelfth Doctor

I think that we can agree that the Internet was not short from imploding or spontaneous combustion when we all heard the news that Doctor Who star Matt Smith would be departing before the show’s eighth season. And then came the predictions. In between all of the lamenting and criticism were various names of actors that…

Doctor who

Top Five Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Fan Trailers

Before I get into anything, I’d like you all to know that this article’s got a handful of SPOILERS in it concerning the Doctor Who series. If you’re not familiar with events in the show or are not willing to have those events spoiled for you, I’d proceed reading with caution. Top Five Doctor Who…