Wacom intous pro: accuracy, convenience and productivity

Wacom Intous Pro: Accuracy, Convenience and Productivity

There are two types of digital artists: those who prefer to scan their art from a traditional canvas and those who have adapted to digitally sketching directly on a tablet. While this method takes some getting used to, it has its benefits. You can see how your art appears on a digital canvas while you…

Impulse: a tiny, yet accurate, gaming controller

iMpulse: A Tiny, Yet Accurate, Gaming Controller

Think about these three great things in life: gaming, key chains and miniatures. Now, think of these things combined. That’s right, a tiny gaming controller that you can carry around in your pocket on a keychain. Once you’re done dreaming, check this out and try not to drool: iMpulse Controller The iMpulse claims the title…

Turn almost any object into a speaker with rock it

Turn Almost Any Object into a Speaker with Rock It

Ever hear of the trick where you use a bowl to boost the sound of your Smartphone speakers? No? Well, it’s simple. All you do is stand your phone up with the speakers facing down inside the bowl and the sound is amplified: cheap and simple. As cool as this is, it’s not exactly convenient…

Snooperscope: night vision for your smartphone or tablet

Snooperscope: Night Vision for your Smartphone or Tablet

Here’s a list of essentials for the pro Smartphone photographer: macro, telephoto and wide-angle lenses, a tripod and mount and a preferred photo-capturing app. With all of these combined, you will be able to capture spectacular photos and videos…in daylight. What about nighttime photography? Most high-grade video cameras, and a few DSLR cameras, have night-vision capabilities. A…

Mylifter: a smartphone-controlled storage unit

myLifter: A Smartphone-Controlled Storage Unit

Running low on space? This is an issue that every homeowner has run into at one point. The desperation only grows stronger if one does not have an attic or garage, or neither for that matter. Even after stuffing suitcases under your bed and successfully fitting a bicycle in your closet, you still could use…

Swivl dolly for iphone

Swivl: A Remote-Controlled Dolly for Your iPhone

There are many great gadgets out there to enhance you’re the video capabilities of your iPhone: external microphones, clip-on lenses, tripods, and countless editing software and apps. Really the only thing you are missing is a camera dolly, which comes in handy for getting moving shots with steady aim and a precise angle. Better yet,…

Interact with your cat from anywhere with kittyo

Interact with your Cat from Anywhere with Kittyo

There are range of vet products and supplies that help keep your cat independent and allow you to go on vacations to your own leisure. With the help of automatic feeders and self-cleaning litter boxes, you don’t have to do anything and your cat is living the high life. But there is one thing that…

Sphero 2. 0: the infamous robotic ball revamped

Sphero 2.0: The Infamous Robotic Ball Revamped

If you are following Smartphone-controlled gadgets, I’m sure that you have come across this neat little thing called the Sphero. If not, here’s what it is in a nutshell: The Sphero is a baseball-sized orb that you can roll around just using your Smartphone. It links to your phone’s Bluetooth network, so no Wi-Fi is…

The bird photo booth: bird watching without the hassle

The Bird Photo Booth: Bird Watching Without the Hassle

To all of you birdwatchers out there: How annoying is it when you finally catch a glimpse of a colorful bird and, as soon as you lock your camera in to take a photo, the little bugger flies away? Bird Photo Booth This clever bird feeder doubles as a waterproof housing for either your iPhone…

Lego gun replicas

Jack Streat’s Guide to Building LEGO Gun Replicas

Are you looking for a new hobby that will expand your creativity and bring you back to your childhood? What’s the first thing that comes to mind? That’s, right. LEGOS. There’s really no end to what you can create with a diverse collection of the plastic bricks. Since they came into your life at a…

Zojirushi bb-pac20: delicious and easy homemade bread

Zojirushi BB-PAC20: Delicious and Easy Homemade Bread

There are many reasons that you would want to start baking your own bread at home. Maybe you are just a cooking and baking fanatic and want to create your own unique brand. Perhaps you live in a household that goes through a loaf in less than a week and are sick of going to…

Ipin: a laser pointer for your iphone

iPin: A Laser Pointer for Your iPhone

A laser pointer is always a nice gadget to have with you at all times. They come in handy for presentations and pointing out distant objects at night, not to mention the countless hours of entertainment that arise from watching your cat desperately chase the tiny dot around the house. However, like many great things…

Convert speakers or headphones to bluetooth with mpow

Convert Speakers or Headphones to Bluetooth with MPOW

Bluetooth speakers are always great for a carefree and comfortable listening experience. They eliminate the need for audio cables and allow you to control your music from anywhere in the house. The headphones have their purpose in our lives as well as they are great for when you want to listen to music while walking,…

Litter robot: no more cleaning after your cats

Litter Robot: No More Cleaning After Your Cats

As a cat owner, you are well aware of the great qualities they have as pets. They are quiet and independent, they clean themselves and they will happily take care of a mice problem. However, you are probably also aware of the stinky downside to owning a cat: litter boxes. While these boxes work well…

The solo g3: the bomb shelter of hard drives

The Solo G3: The Bomb Shelter of Hard Drives

As we dive deeper into the digital age, more things that we consider to be crucial, or even sentimental, to our lives are stored somewhere electronically: photos, music, art, personal information, documents and contact information. Depending how much of this you have on one device, your life can turn into turmoil if that device crashes…