Awesome LadyGeek Gadgets for ‘Doctor Who’ Fans

Saturday was an exciting day for Doctor Who fans across the universe as the 12th Doctor took flight in his TARDIS and landed right into our homes and hearts. Although I viewed the series premiere with only a small group of family members, hundreds of fans hosted large get-togethers and shrines to the program in…

Who Is The Doctor’s New Face?

There is a recurring theme in the first episode of the latest Doctor Who series. That theme, is The Doctor’s face. What’s better than conspiracy theories and the excuse to sit on Google Images for an hour or two? NOTHING! The Question Of The Doctor’s Face Without going into too much detail (in case you…

Goodbye clara? Rumor says doctor who companion is leaving at christmas

Goodbye Clara? Rumor Says Doctor Who Companion is Leaving At Christmas

Clara Oswin Oswald may not feel like she’s been around for a long time but she’ll actually have been the Doctor’s companion for 18 months when the new season rolls around (August 23rd!). But is that enough for actress Jenna Coleman? Enough Time and Space? The news was broken on Saturday by the Daily Mail, saying that…

Peter Capaldi on the Upcoming Season of Doctor Who

With the newest season of Doctor Who quickly approaching, its surprising that there has been little revealed about the 12th Doctor or about what lies in store for Season 8. However Peter Capaldi, the man portraying the 12th Doctor, has been recently interviewed by The Sunday Times and has shed some light on the newest incarnation of the Doctor….

Top 10 ‘doctor who’ episodes ever

Top 10 ‘Doctor Who’ Episodes Ever

For over 50 years the British TV show Doctor Who has captivated watchers with its zany aliens and twisting plotlines. Having a shaky start in the 1960’s because the first episode was aired the day that JFK was assassinated giving poor american ratings for the first seasons. But despite that the show has only grown…

#keepmespoilerfree : doctor who scripts leaked

#KeepMeSpoilerFree : Doctor Who Scripts Leaked

This week, it was revealed that five scripts for the upcoming season 8 of Doctor Who had been leaked. The scripts were in transit for closed caption purpose and they got out. Information for Doctor Who is in high demand but the actual script for Peter Capaldi’s first appearance as the Doctor? Fan sites should have exploded. Which…

He’s back: the first full trailer for doctor who season 8

He’s Back: The First Full Trailer for Doctor Who Season 8

After several frustratingly short 15-second teasers, BBC One, finally doing us fans a huge favor, has now released the first full-length trailer for the newest session of our beloved TV show, Doctor Who Season 8. The barely-over-a-minute-long trailer, is titled ‘Doctor Who – Series Eight Trailer – New Doctor, New Monsters and Old Enemies,’ and features…

Your annual check-up is coming soon: doctor who returns.

Your Annual Check-up Is Coming Soon: Doctor Who Returns.

The countdown has officially begun for the return of Doctor Who. Initially, we were told “later this year,” then we narrowed it down to August, but now a brand-new teaser trailer has announced the air date and time for Peter Capaldi’s first episode as the Twelfth Doctor! If you’re a Whovian, your wait for the…

Doctor who world tour: bringing the tardis to a city near you

Doctor Who World Tour: Bringing the Tardis to a City Near You

This year, the Tardis is leaving it’s home in Wales and going on a global tour. Starting in August new doctor Peter Capaldi, companion Jenna Coleman and show runner Steven Moffat are planning on going to 8 locations on 5 different continents to promote series 8, which is set to premiere in August. The tour…

Embrace the doctor: give classic ‘who’ a chance

Embrace The Doctor: Give Classic ‘Who’ a Chance

There are still a couple of months to go before Doctor Who returns to our screens with new episodes, so what’s a Whovian to do? This is a great time to check out the classic series and to become acquainted with the older Doctors while you wait for Peter Capaldi to begin his adventures. Sometimes…

Top five nerd wedding themes

Top Five Nerd Wedding Themes

Is your wedding day near? Having trouble picking a theme? We’re here to help. Geek or not, we can all agree that weddings are probably the most joyous, yet tear-jerking moments of our lives. Although, many engaged couples and newlyweds complain that the planning of the wedding in itself was the single most hair ripping…

The problem with doctor who isn’t moffat–it’s you

The Problem With Doctor Who Isn’t Moffat–It’s You

Doctor Who has been on screen for 50 years and he’s gone through some drastic changes but the fans have always been there. Until now. Now, just when the show could come to a whole new level, fans may tear it apart. A Hole In Time and Space After 50 years on television, it’s not surprising…

Most “dedicated” tv fandoms

Most “Dedicated” TV Fandoms

Most TV shows will fade into the obscurity of small screen history, only to be occasionally remembered with a nostalgic comment on how they were a “pretty good show” or “is that the show where (insert name here) played (insert description here)?” But others have that magical something that causes normal people to join the…

Doctor who cosplay – the doctors, a dalek, and a tardis

Doctor Who Cosplay – The Doctors, a Dalek, and a TARDIS

There’s nothing like a good Doctor Who Cosplay. Why? Because there are so many creative options! Sure, you can choose to cosplay as one of the many Doctors, but why stop there? You can be one of the Doctor’s many nemesis’, or even the TARDIS itself! The opportunities are endless.   Doctor Who Cosplay We…

Doctor who for beginners: how to start watching doctor who

Doctor Who for Beginners: How to Start Watching Doctor Who

Doctor Who, the 1960’s sci-fi TV show about a time traveling alien and his many companions, is a show that often sparks debate amongst its fans.  Its scope is so wide and varied because over its more than fifty year run it has had dozens of writers, more than a few show-runners, directors galore, and…