Halloween costumes for the geeky fashionista

Halloween Costumes for the Geeky Fashionista

It’s that time of year again where the ghouls, the goblins, witches, and wizards come out to play. It’s getting colder and even the leaves are in the halloween mood, changing colors from green to reds and oranges. It’s that time of year where, even as an adult, we ask ourselves “What am I going to be…

Ladygeek gadgets: playin’ footsie

Ladygeek Gadgets: Playin’ Footsie

I dedicate this week’s column to my boyfriend, who has endured the hundreds of complaints and whines escape my lips and my cell phone regarding the state of my feet. First of all, I lovingly refer to my feet as Hobbit feet, not due to any amount of hair mind you. My feet are small, but…

The geeky girls’ book blog: ‘wonderful town’ part 1

The Geeky Girls’ Book Blog: ‘Wonderful Town’ Part 1

Happy Friday, book lovers! Did you buy and read Chopsticks yet? I certainly hope so! Last week (with much thanks to the G2B2 vote), I managed to convince an old friend of mine to get her own copy of that awesome little book and guess what? She loved it! (Well, actually, she’s quite tormented like I…

Turning the casual taster into a pro – vivino wine app review

Turning The Casual Taster Into A Pro – Vivino Wine App Review

The most frustrating thing about wine, besides the occasional hangover, is tasting an exceptionally wonderful wine while you are out to dinner and then not being able to recall that particular wine a couple of weeks later when you are really in the mood for another glass. Vivino wine app to the rescue. With over…

The dish on beautylish – app review

The Dish on Beautylish – App Review

Beauty communities can be full of beauties, but total beasts. It’s a tough world out there in the world of glamor and beauty for us girls, luckily with Beautylish you’re more likely to find a laid-back group of gals who love makeup, nail polish, and style just as much as you do. Without all the snark…

Gap inc’s social media: selling feminism and equality, not t-shirts

Gap Inc’s Social Media: Selling Feminism And Equality, Not T-Shirts

  With social media, fashion brands aren’t only about indicating status.   Beauty brands such as Dove and Clean & Clear already launched campaigns to make women of all types feel beautiful, inside and out. This time, Gap, a clothing brand, is joining the bandwagon, but encouraging feminism and equality values.   More than just…

Welcome to “the end of worry” with bsafe you

Welcome to “The End of Worry” with bSafe You

bSafe  You is one of many personal safety apps available for Apple and Android users, but it had some updates this year.  It ranked among the top safety apps, and not just from geeky-tech sites either. Elle listed it at the top of their apps for women’s safety, too. Even if fashion-girls aren’t always geek-girls, they…

Espionage cosmetics nailed it! Nail wraps – review

Espionage Cosmetics Nailed it! Nail Wraps – Review

There are a lot of women out there who identify as “gamer” “geek” or “nerd”, but that doesn’t mean we aren’t still women! Imagine my delight when I discovered Espionage Cosmetics, a beauty company that is dedicated to bringing some of the most amazing geek-girl makeup you have ever seen to the table. The awesome…

The geeky girls’ book blog: ‘chopsticks’

The Geeky Girls’ Book Blog: ‘Chopsticks’

Hello lovely readers! Once again, I, your friendly neighborhood geek girl, welcome you to this fortnightly Geeky Girls’ Book Blog a.k.a G2B2. If you’ve been following this column, you already know that two weeks ago, we wrapped up (for now) the reviews for Holly Smale’s Geek Girl  series, because the remaining books are yet to be…

Ladygeek gadgets: sick days

LadyGeek Gadgets: Sick Days

I don’t know about the weather where you are, but the season change has delivered bipolar weather and allergens galore in my neck of the woods.  Left and right neighbors and coworkers are battling one of our most common enemies, the gunk. Sore throats, stuffed noses, and aching muscles at every turn, and this week…

Skin deep app review: finding safe personal care products

Skin Deep App Review: Finding Safe Personal Care Products

Skin Deep database from Environmental Working Group (EWG) began as an online database to provide safety profiles for personal care products. Now, 8 years later EWG has launched an accompanying app that allows users to search over 70,000 products. EWG aims to provide consumers with the power of information to protect our health and environment….

The geeky girls’ book blog: ‘picture perfect’

The Geeky Girls’ Book Blog: ‘Picture Perfect’

Welcome back to the geeky book corner, friends! Today I bring to you the third book in Holly Smale’s bestselling Geek Girl series: Picture Perfect where our To quickly refresh your memory (the first book was reviewed a full four weeks ago, can you imagine?) let me go over what’s happened so far. We’ve been introduced to…

Geek girl under attack: anita sarkeesian

Geek Girl Under Attack: Anita Sarkeesian

WARNING: This article contains harsh language, topics covering sexual assault and violence against women Anita Sarkeesian received widespread attention in 2012 for her wildly successful Kickstarter project; Tropes vs. Women, a web series that focuses on video games through a feminist lens. She has been making videos since 2009 and has a deep, extensive knowledge…

Geek girl fashion: the ladies of ‘firefly’

Geek Girl Fashion: The Ladies of ‘Firefly’

Hello there, geeky fashionistas! Today, I want to go ahead and steal the looks of a few of my favorite women of all time: the Firefly ladies! This show was so wonderful for so many reasons (which I’m not going to get into now because we will all start crying), but one of my top…

Harassed Geek Girl Anita Sarkeesian Sees Big Name Support

Geek Insider recently looked at the harassment that Anita Sarkeesian was receiving as a result of her web series; Tropes vs. Women that can viewed on her website. Her web series focuses on the flaws in video games with regards to the sexism and gratuitous violence, both sexual and physical, portrayed against women that is so…