Geekgirlcon: empowering women, one convention at a time

GeekGirlCon: Empowering Women, One Convention at a Time

GeekGirlCon, which takes place in Seattle, is inspiring women to dream big. When it comes to Geek culture and women in America, equality has always been just out of reach. Whether it’s gaming and comic books or something a little more serious like a career in the science and technology fields, men have consistently dominated…

A Girl in a Geeky World: Women are Moving Up in the Tech Industry

Geek Girls: Moving Up In Technology For the last, oh…200 years or so, if you were a women who enjoyed science, technology, and basically anything that falls into the ‘geek’ category, you were an oddball. The real question is: Why? Is it pure sexism that has excluded women from geek culture for all these years…