Latest Articles for pc game

Warhammer eternal crusade

Warhammer 40K: Eternal Crusade Phase 3 Revealed

It seems to be happening at a snail’s pace, for those eagerly anticipating the release of the Warhammer MMO, but Phase 3 has finally been launched. And it comes with it’s own set of clues! IT’S LIKE A BOARD GAME! Warhammer 40K: Eternal Crusade Phase 3 Revealed The launch of Phase 3 for the Eternal…

Everquest next might be revolutionizing mmorpgs

EverQuest Next Might Be Revolutionizing MMORPGs

When people think about the precursor to World of Warcraft, most people think of EverQuest. EQ came along and revolutionized the MMORPG genre, laying the ground work for future MMOs like WoW. EQ was released 14 years ago, now 21 expansion (about to be 22) and one dead sequel later, the franchise may once again…

Shadowrun returns – review

Shadowrun Returns – Review

Shadowrun is a world where you’re as likely to run into a spell-slinging Dwarf as you are an Elf with cybernetic limbs. Shadowrun has always had one of the most unique setting around. Whether you’re sitting down for a pen and paper role-playing session of it, or booting up your SNES for some classic game…

Guild wars 2 – biweekly releases

Guild Wars 2 – Biweekly Releases

Wha-What? … Can it really be?! …Is it… possible? Guild Wars 2 has recently announced their commitment to releasing new material every two weeks! Guild Wars 2 Commits to Biweekly Releases By new material, I don’t just mean bug and game balance fixes, upgrades to existing content, or temporary material that will disappear in a…

Elderscrolls anthology

Elder Scrolls Anthology Has All The Things.

Bethesda have announced something that might be the best thing since someone went “bread is just so darn delicious, I want it pre-cut, so I can gorge myself on more of it’s carby goodness sooner!” This September they will be releasing an Elder Scrolls Anthology for a price that doesn’t mean I have to sell…

Steel series releases dota 2 headset & mouspads

Steel Series Releases DOTA 2 Headset & Mouspads

What’s that? You want more gaming gear with DOTA2 art on it? Well here we go! Steel Series Releases DOTA 2 Gear! The well known gaming tech company Steel Series has teamed up with Valve to put out a brand new gaming headset. The bright red Siberia v2 Illuminated Headset is not only designed to…

New bioshock infinite dlc revealed

New BioShock Infinite DLC Revealed

Irrational Games, the developers behind the hugely popular BioShock and BioShock Infinite have just announced 2 of the 3 DLC packs they are putting out for BioShock Infinite, as well as a general idea regarding the third. Just let me say, these look freaking awesome!   New BioShock Infinite DLC Revealed!   The first BioShock…

Elysian tail

Review – Dust: An Elysian Tail

Alright furries, strap your large animal suits on. Dust: an Elysian Tail (Get it?) is out on Steam, and I’ve been spending the last week getting my hands on the sword wielding furball known as Dust. This game was brought to my attention thanks to the Steam summer sale that Valve holds annually to decimate…

Star wars coming to club penguin

Star Wars Coming to Club Penguin

Get your little Padawan geared up for Club Penguin’s Star Wars Takeover! If you’re unfamiliar with Club Penguin, it’s a MMO world where you can take control of a penguin to play all sorts of mini games, and go on adventures. It’s the number one online world for children, and now it’s getting a makeover…

Riot approves fan-made league of legends fighting game

Riot Approves Fan-made League of Legends Fighting Game

Have you ever heard of a game called League of Legends? Haha, just kidding, I know you’ve heard of it, this is the internet after all. If you haven’t heard of it, then you should climb out of whatever cave you’ve been living in. LoL not only brought the multiplayer online battle arena to the…

Simcity now at 28% off

SimCity Now At 28% Off

It’s already been 4 months since the March 5th, 2013 release of SimCity. Now that the initial server sanfu is long over with the only ones waiting to buy are bargain hunters. Well, today SimCity fell under the magical barrier of $30 down to $28.79 at one PC download retailer. In GameFly’s latest weekend sale…

League of legends now recognized as a sport

League Of Legends Now Recognized As A Sport

League of Legends has quickly become of the most popular online games to grace PC screens across the world, with its massive community still growing; In fact it’s become so popular that now the US Government recognizes it as a sport! Major League Of Legends? The League of Legends Champion Series has been officially named…

Heimerdinger rework details revealed

Heimerdinger Rework Details Revealed

Xypherous sat down the other day, in order to give everyone an idea of what to expect from Heimerdinger’s upcoming rework. I don’t know about you, but I have been a huge fan of Heimerdinger as long as I’ve been playing League of Legends. The ability to set down turrets and just kind of hunker…

Lucian: the purifier approaches the league

Lucian: The Purifier Approaches The League

It’s been nearly a month since Aatrox entered the League of Legends, and now hungry League of Legends fans are waiting to hear news about who will be the next champion to grace the fields of justice. Well worry not my MOBA loving friends because the wait is over, in a blog post posted on…

Cube world

Cube World Enters Alpha Phase

Cube World Recipe:   1/3 chalice Dungeons and Dragons   4 blocks Minecraft   1 slash Secret of Mana   Mix well and strain through indie game development studio Picroma. If you haven’t heard of Cube World yet, then you’re already missing out. If you ask me, Picroma nailed it when putting together the ideas…