Diablo 4 Marks an Enrapturing Return to the Franchise’s Evil Roots
Diablo 4 is releasing on June 6, 2023. Learn more about how Diablo 4 gameplay and art style improves on its previous installment.
Diablo 4 is releasing on June 6, 2023. Learn more about how Diablo 4 gameplay and art style improves on its previous installment.
ForeVR and improving in real life games with VR.
Warning signs that a game may not be worth it.
Do you love strategic battle card games? Then find out how you could win a deck of Marc Rienzo’s Bad Guy Nonsense. On Kickstarter now!
Forgotton Anne is a breathtaking game filled with masterful aesthetics and storytelling, fun-filled gameplay, a powerful soundtrack, and Ghibli-inspired artwork. Forgotton Anne has accrued five-star ratings and a 9/10 on Steam and a 97% rating from users on Google. We are at the one-year anniversary of Forgotton Anne‘s release, and with that comes two pieces…
Breathtaking Artwork Last September, Nintendo released a Direct that featured a new game demo for a working title: Project Octopath Traveler. Octopath’s development team made the hit 3DS game Bravely Default. From the game’s first impression, it was heralded for its gorgeous art style. The developers have termed their design approach as “HD-2D.” Think 16-Bit character…
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja 4 is the last game in the Ultimate Ninja Storm series. This game features a good and solid amount of content throughout the different game modes, including a full story and adventure mode. You may ask yourself, what is the best way to tackle the different modes or what are some…
GameStop issued a statement, explaining the implemented at the request of local authorities and has been place at the beginning of July. “It’s a process that we’ve recently implemented in Philadelphia area stores at the request of the Philadelphia police department.” GameStop representative states that it is a practice we have also put into place…
Passive and Interactive Representatives from Ubisoft Montreal came out onstage at Sony’s E3 Press Briefing to demo yet another stage of their freshly controversial shooter, Far Cry 4. The demonstration followed the player assaulting an unknowing convoy, taking the time to show off the visuals -enraged elephants, massive mountain terrain, technicolor explosions- all the while…
For those of you who have been either hardcore or avid users of Sony’s home console, glancing at this article title may have sparked your interest…but is that a good or bad thing? Well that all depends on how you take what you’re about to read. Allow me to start off by informing those of…
A new app called Osmo is solving a childcare problem with a simple compromise. Anyone that’s ever taken care of kids knows that all they want to do is watch TV or play games on consoles or tablets. While Osmo games use technology to keep kids interested, its game play is grounded in real world…
Why is it that we are so attached to these tiny games on our phones? They don’t have the complexity of Skyrim. They don’t have the free reign of Grand Theft Auto V. They’re far from the complex story of Halo. They don’t involve the organization and strategy of World of Warcraft. So what’s the…
Goat Simulator is more of an interactive joke than a game. It takes place in a tiny rural world that serves as your sandbox, you the player are given control over a deceptively adorable goat that is capable of creating delightful havoc with each and every clop of its hooves. Developer Coffee Stain Studios has…
Are you already flocking down to eBay to sell your smartphone with Flappy Bird installed? Shame on you. Don’t even look at me. No, I take that back. It’s a smart move, I’ll give you that. Believe it or not, there are dozens of games that are as – well, almost – annoying as Flappy…