Enjoy the show: movies to look forward to in september

Enjoy The Show: Movies To Look Forward To In September

Autumn’s arriving and with it comes a host of changes. The trees break out their brightly colored pajamas and prepare for the onslaught of Game of Thrones references, students trudge back toward their school buildings, and stores start preparing their special deals for Black Friday and Christmas. With all of the excitement going on, what…

Evil resides in your tv: ‘resident evil’ becomes a television show

Evil Resides In Your TV: ‘Resident Evil’ Becomes a Television Show

Resident Evil has a bit of a mixed track record. There have been good movies, bad movies, good games, bad games, and an overall impression that’s as horrifying as it is confusing. Fighting the T-virus (which, tragically, doesn’t turn people into tyrannosaurs), fighting Umbrella, fighting zombified dogs, and so on. I think you fought an…

At the drive-in: “into the storm,” and “guardians of the galaxy”

At the Drive-In: “Into the Storm,” and “Guardians of the Galaxy”

By societal standards, I guess I’m an adult. I have insurance payments, student debt, job-hunting marathons, and a car hood that’s been held down with duct tape. If the modern portrayal of the early-20’s woman is accurate, then I suppose I could be called an adult. But a recent journey to the local drive-in movie…

The evolution of buzzfeed

The Evolution of BuzzFeed

Most people know BuzzFeed as the Denny’s of the Internet. It’s newsier than TMZ but less so than, say, The Washington Post. It’s a mixture of informative articles and fun little quizzes and a bunch of other things I don’t actually click on because I’m not that bored yet, mostly thanks to YouTube. But, BuzzFeed…

Legend of korra video game incoming

Legend of Korra Video Game Incoming

The video gaming industry was in a golden era of peace. Until, one day, everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. And Then There Was Fire Avatar: The Last Airbender quickly became one of the most amazing shows of all time. And deservedly so – despite the few fluff episodes they had (yes, fanboys, they…

Downton abbey’s season 5 kicks off 2015! (spoilers)

Downton Abbey’s Season 5 Kicks Off 2015! (Spoilers)

Are you excited for the return of Downton Abbey? If you answered with, “I’m never excited,” then congratulations! You got the reference! And you’re also a terrible liar. If you said, “I am not amused,” then you got a different but still epic reference, and you’re still a terrible liar. Downton Abbey Returns! Downton Abbey…

Top 10 geekiest youtubers you need to watch right now

Top 10 Geekiest YouTubers You Need To Watch Right Now

Ever since the creation of the Internet, it has been used as a gathering space for geeks around the world. With the creation of YouTube, a whole new world opened up for people who want to share their passions and become part of an online community. Naturally, many geeks were intrigued by this platform. Without…

A brief history of motion capture

A Brief History of Motion Capture

I’m going to say the two dreaded words pertaining to movies, but don’t click away. Computer generation. There, I said it. Now with that out of the way, let’s get down to business. Motion Capture Motion capture (or performance-capture) has become standard for blockbusters nowadays. We barely even react to a fully-rendered CG character, and…

Zombie versus zombie: the last of us vs the walking dead

Zombie Versus Zombie: The Last of Us vs The Walking Dead

The thing about the living dead is that they don’t really change. Okay, sure, some of their portrayals demonstrated zombies evolving, learning to use basic tools, and even speaking, but on the whole, a mass of undead trying to kill you is just a mass of undead trying to kill you. Two zombie games have…

Bioware breaks boundaries with openly gay character

Bioware Breaks Boundaries With Openly Gay Character

Bioware is best known for their Mass Effect Games. Or is it Star Wars: The Old Republic? Or is it Baldur’s Gate (which I thought was actually a pretty cool game, just saying)? Okay, let’s be honest. it’s probably Baldur’s Gate Mass Effect. What Does Bioware Have Now? But, fortunately for us, Bioware continues to…

The Top 10 LGBT Geeks of All Time

It’s no secret that geek culture has long been a refuge for outsiders and an engine for social progress. From Kirk and Uhura’s interracial smooch to Buffy’s feminist butt-kicking, geek culture has had the power to change minds and champion diversity. So, in honor of Pride Month 2014, we bring you the definitive list of…

‘let’s play’: the game-viewing phenomenon’s rising popularity

‘Let’s Play’: The Game-Viewing Phenomenon’s Rising Popularity

Let’s play! Play? No, I’m not misquoting Mario. I’m referring to the widespread internet phenomenon known as Let’s Plays. Prominently based on YouTube (though, as the famous Twitch plays Pokémon, demonstrated, YouTube is not their exclusive residence), Let’s Plays center around an audience watching a gamer play through a game. GAMECEPTION!   So What? A…

Google doodles: a brief history

Google Doodles: A Brief History

Oh, Google. You’ve managed to turn your very name into a verb. That’s no small feat. I’ve never heard anyone say they should ‘Bing’ something. Companies like you and Facebook (which turned ‘friend’ into a verb) are literally revolutionizing the English language. And you’re just so much fun to look at! Google Doodles As just…

How to train your dragon 2 – movie review

How to Train Your Dragon 2 – Movie Review

How to Train Your Dragon 2 was definitely one of the best movies that I’ve seen in recent memory. While not without its flaws, it had excellent character development, exciting action scenes, and multiple tear jerking moments.  The Characters The film takes place five years after the first one, and all the whole cast has…

Maleficent: wickedly fantastic or just plain bad?

Maleficent: Wickedly Fantastic or Just Plain Bad?

Retelling of Sleeping Beauty: A Dream Come True or a Nightmare? Maleficent is Disney’s attempt to give a new side to the story of Sleeping Beauty, from the perspective of the “villain” Maleficent (played by Angelina Jolie) however even thought it’s a good concept, it doesn’t exactly live to up to it’s potential. It has plenty…