Rob multari, lone wolf comics, comic books, indie comics, night wolf, snow paw, geek insider

The Origin of Rob Multari’s Snow Paw

Cirilla “Cirray” MacKinlay is a strong-willed farm girl, born and raised in the Scottish Highlands during the 19th century, who dreams about a life of adventure. Upon discovering her Pureblood Monoki werewolf lineage, Cirray’s eyes are opened for the first time to the existence of supernatural beings and creatures of Fantasy. With the aid of…

Comics, comic books, indie comics, ragin, raginavc, merej99, meredith loughran, nita lanning, merej99, creatingchaos247, geek insider

The Curated List: Crowdfunding Campaigns

Hello friends and Geek fans! The RAGIN’ team of Meredith Loughran and Nita Lanning bring us their list of curated crowdfund campaigns for comic books, graphic novels, and whatever captures their attention. These campaigns are ending soon so be sure to check them out and tell them you found it on Geek Insider. The Listener:…

Comics, comic books, indie comics, crowdfunding, kickstarter, ragin, raginavc, merej99, meredith loughran, nita lanning,

Midnight Highway #2 Launches with Homage to 80s Horror

Horror Comic MIDNIGHT HIGHWAY #2 launches with Tiers Paying Homage to 80s Horror Remember that constant feeling of unease that twisted and contorted your excitement as you watched John Carpenter’s The Thing for the very first time!? Comic book writers Mike Tener and Alex Maday (the creators of Midnight Highway) have returned to Kickstarter on…

Comics, comic books, indie comics, ragin, raginavc, merej99, meredith loughran, nita lanning, merej99, creatingchaos247, geek insider

RAGIN’ Comic Book Crowdfunds Five Ending Soon

Hello friends and Geek fans! The RAGIN’ team of Meredith Loughran and Nita Lanning bring us their list of curated crowdfund campaigns for comic books, graphic novels, and whatever captures their attention. These campaigns are ending soon so be sure to check them out and tell them you found it on Geek Insider. Lumina Vhox…

Raginavc, ragin, crowdfunding, reviews, interviews, mail call, meredith loughran, nita lanning, promotions, kickstarter, indiegogo

RAGIN’ Comic Book Crowdfunds Ending in May

Welcome to the premiere article series which highlights crowdfunding campaigns ending in the near future. Meredith Loughran and Nita Lanning curate the projects that catch their RAGIN’ attention. ABSOLUTE. book 2 The epic conclusion to the most talked about story arc from Unhinged Entertainment! ABSOLUTE. book 2 is a minimum 46 page story that ends…

Pulse victim's fund, gofundme

Orlando Pulse Victim’s GoFundMe Campaign Sets Record

The Orlando Pulse shooting sets breaking record for GoFundMe’s crowdfunding site by pulling in more than $4 million. Equality Florida’s Pulse Victim’s Fund Breaks Record GoFundMe, a fundraising site for personal causes and life-events was launched May of 2010. Through donations from people and companies all over the world, the Equality Florida’s Pulse Victims Fund…

‘classic alice’ – exclusive cast and crew interview

‘Classic Alice’ – Exclusive Cast and Crew Interview

Are you a book lover? Can you binge watch nerdy shows? Do you wish you lived in 19th century Britain and think that Amanda Price from ‘Lost in Austen’ is your spirit animal? If so, fellow human, we have just the thing for you! Last week, yours truly got the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to video interview the most amazing…

Researchers want to fight malaria with iphones

Researchers Want to Fight Malaria With iPhones

Mobile technology isn’t just for the “First World” any more. It’s made banking easier for people in Kenya and Uganda, enhanced political discussion in the Middle East and North African countries, and in general provides a cheaper, more convenient way to be connected for hundreds of thousands of people in countries where even landlines can…

Indiegogo logo

Danger in the Exciting World of Crowdfunding

Crowd funding is but one example of a modern miracle that is shaping our society. Now, a single man can create an idea, that idea can become a plan, that plan can become an action, and that action can become a fully funded business venture, all from the use of a single personal computer. With…

Ubuntu edge ‘superphone’ to be crowdfunded

Ubuntu Edge ‘Superphone’ To Be Crowdfunded

The Ubuntu Edge smartphone may end up being built by the internet. Canonical, the company behind Ubuntu, has taken to crowdfunding site Indiegogo to help fund the Ubuntu Edge. Ubuntu Edge Gets Crowdfunding Initialized with a target to collect $32 million, the campaign has received more than $5 million so far. Funding options begin at…

Apps4africa grants slicebiz with their annual award

Apps4Africa grants SliceBiz with their Annual Award

SliceBiz, an international start-up, has been chosen as an award winner of 2013’s Apps4Africa Competition. Apps4Africa’s project grants annual awards of $10,000 to three chosen campaigns and if their campaign excels expectations, their funds don’t have a ceiling. The project is backed by the US State Department and the World Bank which is pretty hefty…

Crowd Funding – Bringing Ideas to Life

It wasn’t too long ago when the major sources of fundraising happened through cookies and cakes, dance-a-thons, walks, and lemonade stands.  As social interactions grow and evolve, so does the need for further spanning the fundraising opportunity – sharing not only a dream, goal or plan, but awareness of a non-profit, product, or talent. This type of…