Danmachi: a fantasy of swords, sorcery, and sexy girls

DANMACHI: A Fantasy of Swords, Sorcery, and Sexy Girls

There are four things that come to mind when the fantasy genre is mentioned: monsters, swords, quests, and girls. Anime is stocked full of these things, but Is it Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? (DanMachi for short) manages to take all these overused cliches and somehow make it fresh. By…

Anime and manga announcements yugioh

Top 15 Anime and Manga Announcements You Don’t Want to Miss

Fans know how quickly things change in the anime world. There’s a lot of waiting to find stuff out and not knowing what will be translated into English, or even subtitled. We never know if we will get the chance to experience some of our favorite Japanese shows. When we finally get that news, though,…

What we’re watching: hunter x hunter

What We’re Watching: Hunter x Hunter

There’s little else stronger than the bond of father and his son. Hunter x Hunter follows the story of a young boy who sets off from his quiet home in the woods to pursue his father, wherever he may be. The main character- Gon (Goh’n), has a dream not that uncommon from everyone else, Gon…

Anime and manga culture can help comic books

How Anime and Manga Culture Can Help the Comic Book Industry

Books are no longer the primary form of entertainment here in the twenty first century, so it would only make sense that comic books, being a printed text, are now a struggling media. Right? However, there is a media very similar to comic books that is not only doing well but is thriving right now:…

Legend of korra video game incoming

Legend of Korra Video Game Incoming

The video gaming industry was in a golden era of peace. Until, one day, everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. And Then There Was Fire Avatar: The Last Airbender quickly became one of the most amazing shows of all time. And deservedly so – despite the few fluff episodes they had (yes, fanboys, they…

Legend of korra recap: book 3, e4 and 5

Legend of Korra Recap: Book 3, E4 and 5

We’re in Book 3 of Legend of Korra, and things are getting interesting very quickly. The first three episodes set up a new interesting arc for this series with the appearance of new airbenders. Team Avatar has made its way to Ba Sing Se in an effort to rebuild the Air Nomad culture. Meanwhile, three…

Psycho pass: season 1 review

Psycho Pass: Season 1 Review

A couple of days ago I wanted to watch a dark style, psychological drama anime that full of thrills and mysteries similar to Death Note. A friend of mine suggested I might like Psycho-Pass because it is thrilling and graphic. Needless to say, she was spot on. This anime is absolutely brilliant! I literally watched the show in 2 days. Psycho…

‘the battle of the gods’ is coming to north america

‘The Battle of the Gods’ is Coming to North America

The anime and manga that has brought so many geeks into the anime world will be showing its latest cinematic masterpiece at local theaters in the U.S. It has been seventeen years since a new and epic Dragon Ball Z movie last graced a silver screen in Japan. With the success of this return to…

5 things we need to see in rumored live-action gundam movie

5 Things We Need to See in Rumored Live-Action Gundam Movie

In the past few years, there have always been a need and a bunch of speculations over a live-action Gundam movie. So far, the closest we’ve gotten to that is fellow Gundam geek, Guillermo del Toro’s Pacific Rim (2013). But the rumor mill has been spinning faster than ever after Gundam creator Yoshiyuki Tomino announcing…

Netflix set to release its first original anime series

Netflix Set to Release Its First Original Anime Series

It’s an understatement to say that Netflix have been fairly successful with their original series, and given their track record, the people of Netflix seem to have a good sense of releasing intelligent series that appeal to the general masses’ tastes. Therefore, Knights of Sidonia might be worth checking out whether you’re a massive otaku…

Friendship, love, and panda-cats: hanamaru kindergarten

Friendship, Love, and Panda-Cats: Hanamaru Kindergarten

Imagine a place where everyone is friendly.   A place where the buildings are shaped like fruit and the second floor balcony has a giant slide straight to the playground.  A place where the adults always know what to say and the children learn new, amazing things every day. A place where a five-year-old can…

“tenchi muyo” and the 90’s revival

“Tenchi Muyo” and the 90’s Revival

Fundraising for a new “Tenchi Muyo” (or as I like to call it “the little harem anime that really tried but ultimately should have stopped after one season”) mini series has begun in Takahashi, Japan to promote tourism in the area. The series is suppose to have 50 five minute episodes airing in Japan starting…

One piece: world r’s gameplay video introduces field exploration

One Piece: World R’s Gameplay Video Introduces Field Exploration

Namco Games streamed a “adventure” gameplay video for One Piece: Unlimited World Red game on Sunday. In this video, they included characters such as Chopper and Usopp dragon battles, the different character skills, and also field traps and items. Usopp shows his spectacular fishing and bug catching skills. One Piece: Field Exploration The game will…

Sailor uranus and sailor neptune: relationship unveiled

Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune: Relationship Unveiled

Everyone and anyone who watches Sailor Moon, no matter what the season, knows that Amara (Sailor Uranus) and Michelle (Sailor Neptune) are nearly conjoined at the hip, Siamese twins, inseparable. Practically…a couple? It’s quite obvious that these two are the best of friends and will never leave the side of one another, but is there more…