Geek speak - geek insiders yt channel

Geek Speak: Reopening the Geek Insider YouTube Channel

As our regular readers are aware, I recently took over as Editor here at Geek Insider. I’ve been an on-again/off-again writer here for a couple of years, but just recently took the reins, so to speak.  We’ve got a new look, some new great writers, and a lot of fun new stuff planned for the…

The (other) itunes $0. 99 movie of the week: ‘kedi’

The (Other) iTunes $0.99 Movie of the Week: ‘Kedi’

Every week, the folks at iTunes find a movie they like and make it available to rent for the low, low price of $0.99. I’m here to tell you whether that film is worth your hard-earned dollar. Ok, the featured $0.99 pick this week is the “based on a true story” drama about the powerful…

Is youtube helping or hurting anime?

Is YouTube Helping or Hurting Anime?

When YouTube was first getting popular, I remember joking with my brother that anything you needed to watch was on YouTube. Whenever someone did something amazing in the world it’s up on YouTube in what seems like a matter of seconds for the whole world to enjoy. The internet has come a long way in…

‘classic alice’ – exclusive cast and crew interview

‘Classic Alice’ – Exclusive Cast and Crew Interview

Are you a book lover? Can you binge watch nerdy shows? Do you wish you lived in 19th century Britain and think that Amanda Price from ‘Lost in Austen’ is your spirit animal? If so, fellow human, we have just the thing for you! Last week, yours truly got the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to video interview the most amazing…

Twitch’s new audio policy presses the mute button

Twitch’s New Audio Policy Presses the Mute Button

Livestreaming play sessions has been one of gaming’s biggest trends in recent years.  Tackling dungeons and braving team deathmatches all while thousands of internet spectators watch and comment on your play has created much notoriety for streamers and freshly popular games and more and more people look to the internet for their entertainment.  Much of…

Top 5 video game related youtube channels you must watch

Top 5 Video Game Related YouTube Channels You Must Watch

Introduction We live in an age where the internet has slowly become a dominant force for how people obtain news, socialize with friends, and entertain themselves during their downtime. For the gaming culture, it has helped to serve as a voice or a way for gamers to reach out and share their opinions by either…

Will youtube trolls come back thanks to google+ name policy change?

Will YouTube Trolls Come Back Thanks to Google+ Name Policy Change?

The recent change in the name policy for Google+ has sparked a great deal of controversy in relation to trolls and anonymity. According to Google’s announcement from July 15th of the changes, they took place because of all of the feedback they have received about how unclear and disliked the previous name policies have been,…

Top 10 geekiest youtubers you need to watch right now

Top 10 Geekiest YouTubers You Need To Watch Right Now

Ever since the creation of the Internet, it has been used as a gathering space for geeks around the world. With the creation of YouTube, a whole new world opened up for people who want to share their passions and become part of an online community. Naturally, many geeks were intrigued by this platform. Without…

Markiplier Redirects Channel to Original Charity Roots

Markiplier posted a vlog to his 2.5 million subscribers last week to give some brief updates and to address the recent communication between him and his expanding fanbase. For the past few weeks, Markiplier and his fans held open dialogues about the current direction of the channel, both in its content as well as its goals as a…

Youtube app coming to ps4 in 2014

YouTube App Coming To PS4 In 2014

A YouTube App For PS4 Is On The Way At first glance, when you look at the title of this article, you may think that this is not really anything to write home about. You may be right, however there is more to this story than meets the eye. Allow me to explain exactly how…

The empire strikes again: youtube buys twitch. Tv

The Empire Strikes Again: YouTube buys

The following is an announcement from the YouTube imperial forces. Attention! Loyal subscribers, We understand that there may be some concern over our recent purchase of We are here to assuage those concerns. Many of our users enjoy streaming videos on Twitch, and we have no intention of stopping them. Everything will proceed normally,…

Kaysy ostrom: youtube’s rising star

Kaysy Ostrom: YouTube’s Rising Star

Meet Kaysy Ostrom, or better known as Kaysy Conumdrum on YouTube. If you stop by her YouTube page, you would find out that she’s a nerdy (brilliant!) songwriter who loves theater, music, books, friendship and happiness. She pens original songs that seep into your brain and they get better with repeated play. The 20 year…

Youtube response to ownership furor fails to inspire confidence

YouTube Response to Ownership Furor Fails to Inspire Confidence

When I wrote last week about the fundamental issue with YouTube’s knee-jerk Content ID system, I noted that Google could redeem itself to some extent with a strong and reasonable response to the mess it has created. That hasn’t happened; in fact, it’s pretty much doubled-down on its policies. To play it so coolly, it…