Latest Articles for Author: Alistair Clarke

Take your caffeine addiction to the next level with k-pod coffee

Take Your Caffeine Addiction to the Next Level with K-Pod Coffee

Bear with me, coffee aficionados, as I find myself in uncharted territory with this one, swimming through dark and somewhat milky waters. Here’s my admission of guilt: I don’t drink coffee, or tea, or even alcohol of any kind. I am the world’s least interesting man. But don’t think for a second that I don’t…

Private internet access: peace of mind at a reasonable price

Private Internet Access: Peace of Mind at a Reasonable Price

Private Internet Access is a VPN connection for obscuring web footprints, and its creator—a company called London Trust Media—very generously gave Geek Insider a three-month trial run to see how we like it. Accordingly, my task was to give it a try and let you know my thoughts. I was rather looking forward to it,…

Sound ideas: google advancing security measures with slicklogin purchase

Sound Ideas: Google Advancing Security Measures with SlickLogin Purchase

Strong user verification has become a linchpin of internet operations in recent years, and for very important reasons. With more and more information—professional and personal—stored in the cloud alongside countless digital libraries containing games, books, albums and software, and online banking in the ascendancy, the risk of theft or other relevant kinds of fraud has…

Moon express: the space-faring company with an appropriate name

Moon Express: The Space-Faring Company With An Appropriate Name

It’s not a pizza company, and it’s not an offshoot of Planet Express from Futurama, but it does have futuristic elements to it. Founded in 2010 by some aerospace mavericks, Moon Express has been watching the moon from afar, studying its crevices and plotting journeys into its immense monochromatic embrace. Like Twinkies and ‘80s-style shoulder…

Fighting back: organizations combat domestic nsa overreach

Fighting Back: Organizations Combat Domestic NSA Overreach

Upon learning last year about how the NSA’s PRISM program had been recording and storing huge amounts of personal information, the internet community’s hackles were decidedly trending upward. The general consensus was that something had gone seriously awry—that questionable judgment calls had been made somewhere up the chain of command—but no one was really sure…

What the world can learn from the flappy bird debacle

What the World Can Learn From the Flappy Bird Debacle

Until smartphones came along—and casual gaming was declared a significant category—popular titles by and large seemed to have been designed with care and passion, things players appreciated. They weren’t necessarily any more sophisticated than the popular casual games we have now, but with much expected of titles to justify the purchase of expensive and otherwise-useless…

Candyswipe and the growing threat of virtual domination

CandySwipe and the Growing Threat of Virtual Domination

CandySwipe, a mobile game which invites players to match colourful candy pieces, was released by Runsome Apps in late 2010. It wasn’t revolutionary by any stretch of the imagination, but it had an art style of its own and a good chance of competing in a market which has historically rewarded its brand of play-in-bursts…

Virgin atlantic trialing wearable tech at london heathrow

Virgin Atlantic Trialing Wearable Tech at London Heathrow

If you happen to be a high-flying international businessperson of some repute, you should imminently find yourself receiving a more smoothly personalized reception when going through London’s Heathrow airport, as Virgin Atlantic has announced that it will henceforth be testing Google Glass and Sony Smartwatch products in a six-week pilot scheme (no pun intended, presumably)…

Imagining android on apple phones and other fun computational combinations

Imagining Android on Apple Phones and Other Fun Computational Combinations

Apple co-founder and all-round influential figure Steve Wozniak recently—in all his open-minded glory—told Wired that he sees merit in Apple producing Android-powered handsets as a secondary endeavor so as to compete in even more markets. It’s an interesting notion. In the idea-centric world of technology, it can seem like the determination to carve out a…

Aderyn’s cradle set to bring visceral combat to a dense fantasy realm

Aderyn’s Cradle Set to Bring Visceral Combat to a Dense Fantasy Realm

By way of introduction to Aderyn’s Cradle, an adventure game in development by Mojo Game Studios, I’d like to talk a little about a couple of other games, one you may have missed and one you’ll definitely recognize. Dark Messiah of Might and Magic, though well-received for the most part, didn’t make a huge impact…

Fixmestick: aiming to make mac disinfection straightforward

FixMeStick: Aiming to Make Mac Disinfection Straightforward

An apple a day keeps the doctor away, or so goes the old adage, but what singular item can help when your Apple computer is the thing needing a doctor? If you like your electronic upkeep simple, easy, and automated, then the answer might be the FixMeStick for Mac, a bootable flash drive containing a…

Bleep bleeps: bringing functional whimsy to parenting assistance

Bleep Bleeps: Bringing Functional Whimsy to Parenting Assistance

I think we can all agree that parenting is difficult at the best of times. Babies are pretty much miniature inconvenience machines, wielding powerful fluid-generating security systems with exceptionally skittish alarms. That’s why it’s always been important to get as much help as possible to keep stressed parents sane and babies’ soft fontanels intact. Offering…

Universal control: run your electronics from anywhere with my n3rd

Universal Control: Run Your Electronics from Anywhere with My N3RD

I saw the Adam Sandler movie ‘Click’ once. I can’t really remember why, and in hindsight it was not a justifiable move. Even so, I’d like to have a magical remote control, especially since I’d use it for much more interesting things than getting into weakly amusing escapades and causing arguments with Kate Beckinsale. Handily,…

Google looking to improve advertising value through transport incentives

Google Looking to Improve Advertising Value through Transport Incentives

While the world waits for automated cars to hit the roads (and hopefully not any pedestrians), evidence to remind us all of Google’s grand imagination continues to filter out, with a recently awarded patent hinting at their designs for the future of location-specific advertising. In a time of electronic coupons, discount codes and ever-diversified purchasing…

Meet ozobot, the thimble-sized smart robot equipped to follow your lead

Meet Ozobot, the Thimble-Sized Smart Robot Equipped to Follow Your Lead

If the broad geek populace were to take an informal poll in an effort to find the most commonly-enjoyed tech-related activity, my number one pick for the winner would be “messing around with a tablet/phone.” There’s a good reason for that. Geek gadgets don’t need to fulfil a formal purpose to engage us; they just…