Android updates permission changes: is your info at risk?

Android Updates Permission Changes: Is Your Info At Risk?

While automatic app updates are certainly convenient, a recent change made by Google developers may also make them a lot riskier. When an app is updated, the user no longer will receive details on any changes to the app’s permissions, which means that your apps could gain access to new types of data on your…

Try out maxthon browser for android

Try Out Maxthon Browser for Android

Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Internet Explorer today command 84.5% of the browser market worldwide. About a dozen or so browsers fight for the remaining share of 15.5%. Maxthon, a cloud-based browser is one of them. Let’s find out what sets it apart. Maxthon started off as a pet project by Jeff Chen way back in…

Worst app

Worst App In The World- ‘Hey Fattie!’

Ever wanted to lose weight but don’t have anyone who will call you nasty names till you do? There’s an app for that now. Worst App In the World Admit it, we’ve all had a go at the dating sims because learning romance from computers is your only option. Or maybe it’s just me. If you’ve…

Tiny thief

Tiny Thief For Android – Review

  It’s been awhile since I reviewed any Android game, that’s probably because I didn’t find any game to be as interesting as worth a full review. However, the New Tiny Thief game by Rovio is definitely worth it. Tiny Thief offers a cute storyline along with its well balanced strategy based puzzles. This isn’t…

Doomsday preppers for android

Doomsday Preppers for Android

Remember when we had Zombie Friday on Geek Insider? Wouldn’t it be cool if you could pretend prep for the end of the world EVERY day? But, on your phone because tin cans take up space? There’s an app for that. Quite a few apps, but the one I chose came in the form of…

Zombie smasher for android – review

Zombie Smasher For Android – Review

Alright, guys, you’ve got everything for the Z-day? Guns, food, More guns, More food? right? Well, I’m gonna show you an easy way to survive the Z-day. You don’t need guns to kill Zombies, that’s so old school. All you need are your fingers to crush the zombies and put them out of their undead…

Swype hits the play store for $0. 99

Swype Hits the Play Store for $0.99

The father of gesture-based typing – the Swype keyboard, has finally rolled out of its Beta Stage and arrived on Android’s Play Store. It is available for download for $0.99 ‘for a limited time’. Swype was among the first keyboards to allow users to type text by simply sliding their fingers across the screen. It…

Donate to charity with google’s one today app

Donate to Charity with Google’s One Today App

Google Inc. is doing its bit for charity, and asking you to do your part as well. Google has just launched a new app – One Today, that lets you donate $1 every day to a charitable cause. Google for Charity is the Google’s non-profit organization subsidiary that deals with charitable causes. One Today…

Google Glass Companion App, MyGlass Now Available For Download

Google glass has begun shipping out to those early adopters who paid a hefty $1500 for the early Explorer Edition. To commemorate the Google Glass’ Explorer Edition launch, Google has already pushed out a companion app for the device onto Google Play. The all new MyGlass app is now available for download at Google Play store….

Flipboard vs currents vs pulse

Flipboard vs Currents vs Pulse

Slowly but consistently, our smartphones have been replacing computers and newspapers as our source for news. The screens have grown bigger. The displays have gotten better (and more vibrant). And of course, we have great apps that consolidate all our news social feeds in one place for easy viewing. Flipboard, Google Currents, and Pulse happen…

Best video game themed wallpapers for android

Best Video Game Themed Wallpapers for Android

It’s hard to find a person who doesn’t like to play video games. I love playing them, and I am sure 99% of the readers reading this article, feel the very same way. Personally, I don’t just like to play certain games, I also like having video game wallpapers on my phone. I stuck to video game…

International snooker will take your breath away

International Snooker Will Take Your Breath Away

I don’t consider myself to be a major snooker fan; but for whatever reason, the game of snooker has always fascinated me. The snooker game of Archer MacLean transfixed me and so far, very few snooker games have come close to this one. That is until the launch of International Snooker. Featured Link: Top 10…

Apps for the elderly

Top 10 Smartphone Apps for the Elderly

Nowadays, smartphones are not limited to the younger generation – more and more elderly people are starting to realize that smartphones are useful and can be fun as well. In fact, one in four people over the age of 50 own a smartphone. Naturally, smartphones are not complete without smartphone apps, and since there are…

Offroad legends for android

Offroad Legends for Android

If you are a fan of monster truck games, then you will love Offroad Legends. This game looks like an arcade type game, and is by far one of the best when it comes to monster truck games available on Android. The Basics Developed by DogByte games, Offroad Legends has been downloaded more than a…

Play fruit ninja & slash your way to the top

Play Fruit Ninja & Slash Your Way to the Top

Kids these days don’t like to eat much fruit. However, fruits should be considered an integral part of our daily diet, especially kids! Is there any way to get kids interested in fruit? Yes! Thanks to Android, there is a way…Fruit Ninja for Android. Fruit Ninja is fun to play, and comes with impressive graphics…