Android updates permission changes: is your info at risk?

Android Updates Permission Changes: Is Your Info At Risk?

While automatic app updates are certainly convenient, a recent change made by Google developers may also make them a lot riskier. When an app is updated, the user no longer will receive details on any changes to the app’s permissions, which means that your apps could gain access to new types of data on your…

5 reasons to start watching orphan black

5 Reasons to Start Watching Orphan Black

As it wraps up its second season, BBC America’s Orphan Black is gaining more and more attention. But what exactly is it about this quirky show about clones that makes it so watchable?   1. Oh, the suspense! With so many different shows airing new episodes weekly, a watchable series must have some way of…

If the book is always better, why see the movie?

If The Book Is Always Better, Why See The Movie?

In light of the premiere of The Fault in our Stars, the movie adaptation of John Green’s YA novel, and the inevitable outcry of fans proclaiming, “The book was better!”,  I have a confession to make. If any of my friends or family reading this go into cardiac arrest as a result of this unexpected revelation, I…

The sims

6 Awful Life Lessons From The Sims

Getting a job is easy. Want to become a doctor without a college degree? No problem, just walk outside and read the newspaper for a few minutes, and you can choose any position you want from the ones that are open. If none of them suit your fancy, the newspaper tomorrow will have three new…

Is ‘the big bang theory’ really geek-friendly?

Is ‘The Big Bang Theory’ Really Geek-Friendly?

It was four or five years ago when I was first introduced to The Big Bang Theory by none other than my high school algebra II teacher. That day’s lecture had trickled off into a tangent, as I had come to expect them to, and he was cracking joke after self-deprecating joke about being an…

Growing up on the internet

4 Things I Learned From Growing Up On The Internet

Back when I was in middle school, back before the days of Facebook, I spent all of my free time playing MMOs and posting to online forums until someone hassled me to get off the computer. With excessive computer use becoming more a norm than an exception as the technology spreads to more people, many…

Gaming on a budget

Gaming on a Budget

Looking back, being a kid gamer was pretty sweet. Often times (with enough begging) you parents probably bought you a new game once in a while or as a gift. If not, allowance and extra pocket money could be put toward a trip to the Gamestop in the mall to buy one. When you weren’t…

In defense of fanfiction

In Defense of Fanfiction

Don’t read suspicious emails, don’t try to win a free iPod from that banner ad, and beware of traumatizing fanfiction. These are the sorts of things you learn when you spend your formative years lurking in the darkest corners of the internet. I certainly did, and as such, I have watched the culture of fandoms…

Stop mourning flappy bird: 3 ios games you probably missed

Stop Mourning Flappy Bird: 3 iOS Games You Probably Missed

1. Cool Pizza Even stranger than this game’s title is the fact that it has absolutely nothing to do with the premise of the game itself. The controls are simple: tilt to move from side to side, go over ramps to get air, and tap to attack enemies before hitting the ground. As the levels…