How to add borders and color to paragraphs in google docs

How to Add Borders and Color to Paragraphs in Google Docs

If you want your text to stand out in Google Docs, highlight important information with color, format accordingly, use a specific font, or add shading and borders to your paragraphs. You could have a report that requires a border around a block of text or an instructional document requiring some coloring on an essential text….

How to add bullet points in google sheets

How to Add Bullet Points in Google Sheets

Bullet points help you organize data in a spreadsheet. You want to show prominent information in your spreadsheet and help others navigate to other topics. However, you need to rely on some workarounds to add bullet points to your spreadsheet as Google Sheets doesn’t let you perform the task directly. Below are the three easiest…

4 features that are set to disappear from future smartphones

4 Features That Are Set to DISAPPEAR From Future Smartphones

Future phones will probably have no charging ports or physical buttons. Phone manufacturers have repeatedly cut out smartphone features ranging from headphone jacks to removable batteries. They do it to either execute clever business strategies or replace the components with better alternatives. In addition to the features that have become obsolete, there are others that…

How to recover any unsaved or overwritten microsoft excel files

How to Recover Any Unsaved or Overwritten Microsoft Excel Files

If you’ve ever lost an excel file because of accidentally closing the program without saving it, you know how frustrating the experience can be. However, you don’t have to start over as there are several methods to help you recover the file. Although you might not get the latest file, it would be a lot…

Laser printer vs. Inkjet: which is better?

Laser Printer vs. Inkjet: Which Is Better?

If you’re buying a new printer, you’ll have to choose between laser and inkjet printers. But what’s the difference and which one is best for you? Read on. Just as the name suggests, laser printers use a laser to print, while the inkjet printer uses ink to print documents. Notably, the main difference lies in…