Do you even grind?

Do You Even Grind?

If you are an MMO (Massively Multiplayer Online) player this familiar term might either get you pumped up or sends shivers down your spine. For those of you who are not familiar with ‘grinding’ here’s a quick definition: grinding is simply performing a task repeatedly to achieve some goal. In the context of MMO games…

What blizzard is missing in ‘warlords of draenor’

What Blizzard Is Missing in ‘Warlords of Draenor’

Disclaimer: This article is NOT a a gripe against Blizzard, a poor review of the new expansion, or any claim that Warlords of Draenor isn’t absolutely awesome. This expansion is just what WoW needed after years of getting it wrong. WoD succeeds where its predecessor, Mists of Pandaria, failed. Blizzard finally gave us a game that actually feels…

Blizzard’s wow competition deadline is less than four weeks away

Blizzard’s WoW Competition Deadline Is Less Than Four Weeks Away

With battle-rousing songs and planned combat strategies, there comes a time when the video game geek has to come out of the solitary video game world and enter a larger world. But the gamer is not leaving the house just yet — there is a world of video game players that are competing against each…

Blizzard releases alpha testing for wow: warlords of draenor

Blizzard Releases Alpha Testing For WoW: Warlords of Draenor

The Warlords of Draenor expansion Alpha testing began on Wednesday, June 5th for select players. The fifth expansion pack for WoW, this is the first to primarily function before the main timeline of the game, and also is part of a timeline that moves away from the original. Features Among the new features, the stat…

10 ways to tell if you’re a hardcore wow fan

10 Ways to Tell If You’re a Hardcore WoW Fan

Almost everybody has played World of Warcraft, at least once. Just to see what all the fuss was about. A trial version is available for free on the website, to give you a feel for the game before paying to join. Most people that play once are hooked for life. But how do you tell…

World of warcraft

World of Warcraft Patch 5.4.2

As of yesterday, the World of Warcraft 5.4.2 patch is live. Here is what you need to know: Quality Of Life Improvement For Players, But No Major Updates Sad but true, there are not a lot of big changes that come along with the new World of Warcraft 5.4.2 patch, however, there are some smaller…

Clueless gamer conan o’brien plays world of warcraft

Clueless Gamer Conan O’Brien Plays World of Warcraft

One of the more popular stints on Conan O’Brien’s talk show, Conan, is his “Clueless Gamer” segment. Conan attempts to play, and talk about, the latest video games, but he has no skill and is mostly providing the audience with comedic commentary about his lack of understanding. He points out obvious, yet easily overlooked quirks…

5 things you probably never knew about world of warcraft

5 Things You Probably Never Knew About World of Warcraft

With a player base stretching to nearly 13 million at its height, the titanic MMO, World of Warcraft, is known by most, if not all gamers. Those who are avid players may have even stopped caring about the world around them, now focused only on caring for their favorite mini-pet, obtaining that special mount, farming…

Online gaming

Tales of an Average Online Gamer Part 1: How to Be A N00b

We see all the time stories of skill from the demi-gods of online gaming around the world, those who have spent years staring at HD computer screens and melting the CPUs and graphics cards on their top-level AlienWare gaming PCs to ascend to the top of online gaming’s Mount Olympus as pure 1337 titans. And…

MOBAs: Learning Curves, The Community and the Future

It’s no secret that MOBA (multiplayer online battle arena) gaming really found its niche in the world of online gaming. The original MOBA, which was a mod for Warcraft III referred to simply as DotA (Defense of the Ancients) was one of the most popular gaming mods in history, attracting thousands and thousands of gamers…

Top 5 interface mods for world of warcraft

Top 5 Interface Mods for World of Warcraft

If you are a fan (and avid gamer) of WoW, then this is the post for you. The top 5 interface mods for World of Warcraft, will make things much easier and simple for old gamers and new gamers alike. World of Warcraft has been around for almost 9 years now and still, there is…

World of Warcraft and Gears of War are Never Going Away

AAA Games: Beginning to Converge Identities Perhaps this is just my paranoia for games or confirmation bias, but I feel that too many AAA games today are beginning to converge their identities. All too often I buy a game and play it to find, it feels very much like Call of Duty or Gears of…