Sonic the hedgehog

Sonic the Hedgehog: Sega’s Fallen Mascot

Sonic Has Seen Better Days It’s been nearly 20 years since we’ve seen Sonic the Hedgehog truly in his prime. The 16-bit era of the Sega Genesis gave birth to the character, but these were also his best days. One of my favorite mascots has fallen far since the mid 90’s, and has never quite felt at…

Buyers Can’t Save the Vita – But Sony Can

Sony’s PS Vita has no doubt been a commercial failure until this point. It has not done as well as Sony would have hoped, and is losing miserably to both the 3DS and (its perhaps unexpected competitor) the iPad. We hear a lot of press that the Vita is doomed to fail, but I’m here to offer…

World of Warcraft and Gears of War are Never Going Away

AAA Games: Beginning to Converge Identities Perhaps this is just my paranoia for games or confirmation bias, but I feel that too many AAA games today are beginning to converge their identities. All too often I buy a game and play it to find, it feels very much like Call of Duty or Gears of…

Spec ops the line soldier in camo

Spec Ops: The Line, Review

Full Review Spec Ops: The Line is one of the most important titles I’ve played this console generation. Its unique approach to engaging the player is vastly different from every other shooter game. Usually games focus on game-play and all other aspects play a fairly secondary role, but that is not the case in Yager Studios’ first release. Spec…