Bloodborne exclusive on ps4

Bloodborne Is a Blood Gushing, Gothic Paradise on PS4

Death after death, after death. Bloodborne’s formula works mainly on the principle of trial and error. From Software, the developer of the Dark Souls series and the equally loved stand alone title Demon Souls, are all built on this same scheme. When jumping into Bloodborne you will quickly learn that just like in real life, you…

Mortal kombat x error ce-34878-0

Mortal Kombat X: Will The Dreaded Error CE-34878-0 Ever Be Fixed?

As some of you Sony fans may have noticed, Mortal Kombat X has begun to kill your Playstation 4.  Not permanently, of course. I am one of many who has found my PS4 donning the dreaded “Error occurred (CE-34878-0)” screen. Mortal Kombat X: Resolutions and Temporary Fix I’ve heard some players were able to resolve…

Video games: offered by universities?

Video Games: Offered by Universities?

The American collegiate experience is defined by a long tradition of academics, athletics, and social life. Changing these traditions is often considered questionable by alumni and the public, but university libraries seem to be changing with the times. School libraries offer books, microfilm, multimedia, and…video games? Yes, you heard me right. Video games as a…

5 books that have amazing potential to be video games

5 Books That Have Amazing Potential to Be Video Games

Games like The Walking Dead and The Last of Us remind us that the power a great narrative can take a video game to the next level. Video games have a lot to gain from literature. Authors create ideas that have the potential inspire compelling games. These video games don’t have to follow the same plot of the…

What today’s gaming companies can learn from older games

What Today’s Gaming Companies Can Learn From Older Games

As new video games are announced and released, the producers and designers usually talk about how their game redesigns this or redefines that. However isn’t there that saying “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it?” Sometimes games don’t have to redefine anything. There have been multiple games that people have labeled as classics, games that…

A tribute to the best supporting characters in gaming

A Tribute to the Best Supporting Characters in Gaming

We’re all familiar with tributes to our favorite heroes or villains, soundtracks or storylines, tragedies or comedies, etc. From games to films (yes, this is another gaming article, deal with it), we gravitate toward those who like and revel in despising those we don’t. And these games and their aspects leave lasting impressions. People today still…

Bestselling games of 2014

Top 10 Bestselling Games of 2014

The release late last year of the PlayStation 4 and the Xbox One has led to a whole new generation of games this year and when it comes to the bestsellers list, it’s not just all about Call of Duty. The list for 2014 contains some really great titles including a casino slots game and…

Games you never get too old to play

Games You Never Get Too Old To Play

Did you wear a disguise to buy the latest Pokémon game? Hide somewhere to play the newest Animal Crossing? Open incognito windows to keep up on the latest Mario Kart news? Well you’re not alone. The 80s and 90s kids that grew up with games like Pokémon and Mario aren’t growing out of them and…

Immersion by consequence:  a look into total gaming immersion

Immersion by Consequence: A Look Into Total Gaming Immersion

Trying to dissect immersion in a video gaming can be like writing an analysis of a comedian’s humor. By identifying and picking apart the little magic threads that turn disparate parts into a unified, (hopefully) enjoyable whole, you risk losing some of the finished product’s charm. Of course, these aren’t entirely accurate comparisons, since analyzing…

‘disney infinity: marvel’ will get kids into comic books

‘Disney Infinity: Marvel’ Will Get Kids Into Comic Books

Forbes writer Andy Robertson recently got his hands on the entire collection of playable figures for Disney INFINITY: Marvel Superheroes (affectionately being referred to by fans as Disney Infinity 2.0). Being the realistic human and good journalist that his is, Robertson decided to allow the target audience of the game to have a go at…

Top 5 video game related youtube channels you must watch

Top 5 Video Game Related YouTube Channels You Must Watch

Introduction We live in an age where the internet has slowly become a dominant force for how people obtain news, socialize with friends, and entertain themselves during their downtime. For the gaming culture, it has helped to serve as a voice or a way for gamers to reach out and share their opinions by either…

Interview with cinemassacre's mike matei

Interview with Cinemassacre’s Mike Matei

This past weekend, I had the opportunity to attend SGC 2014 (ScrewAttack Gaming Convention) in Dallas, Texas. While I was there, I visited a number of interesting panels. Yet the one I enjoyed the most revolved around James Rolfe and Mike Matei of Cinemassacre as they celebrated the 10th Anniversary of Cinemassacre. Although the event…

$23 buys a whole lot of bioshock on xbox live

$23 Buys A Whole Lot Of Bioshock on Xbox Live

Now is the perfect time to vacation to Rapture! Tourism is in its prime in this utopian city. The weather has never been better. I hear it’s lovely under the sea this time of year! Or Columbia! Columbia’s, by pure coincidence, looking equally lovely! And depending on its location in the atmosphere (come on, with…

Top four anticipated ps4, xbox one and wii u games this fall

Top Four Anticipated PS4, XBOX ONE and Wii U Games This Fall

Slim Pickings This Summer, But…. Have no fear, this fall and winter there are games galore being released for the new generation of game consoles! So, yes, you have to wait to get your hands on these beauties but its always good to have something to work towards, to idolize and fantasize about. So, without…

Interview With Gaming Commentator, Aaron Pinsky

Richard Mallory: Today I have the pleasure of speaking with an established member of the gaming community; particularly within the fighting scene. Among his credentials, he’s a tournament organizer for EVO, a commentator of Street Fighter X Tekken at Capcom Cup 2013 and Final Round 17, has been playing fighting games semi-professionally for over ten…