The lego batman movie

Here’s the Skinny on the Upcoming ‘The Lego Batman Movie’

In a little more than a month, The Lego Batman Movie is set to hit theaters. The film will feature most of the familiar Batman characters including the Joker, Alfred, Robin, and Barbara Gordon AKA Batgirl. Besides the fact that the film is a Lego movie, this Batman movie will be very different from the…

Samsung galaxy on5

Is the Samsung Galaxy On5 Smartphone a Smart Buy?

The Samung Galaxy On5 can be categorized as a mid range phone in terms of quality but also one that is dependable and reliable. A brand new Galaxy On5 is equipped with a handful of common apps and has sufficient storage space and capacity to add desired apps such as Uber and Spotify upon activating…

Jamstik+ smart guitar

Review: The Jamstik+ Smart Guitar

Technology has come a long way. Cellphones and smartphones are becoming more and more sophisticated while the spectrum of smart gadgets is ever-expanding. Music technology has also changed significantly in the last couple of decades. The Jamstik+ Smart Guitar is yet another advancement in smart technology. This wireless and compact MIDI guitar is a portable…

The travel card phone charger

Introducing the Handy TravelCard Phone Charger

The extra conveniences that cellphones and smartphones afford is never-ending. The downside is having to figure out a way to keep your phone charged while you are on the go. A solution has been developed by the Go Design Group – The TravelCard. The TravelCard is a credit card sized phone charger you can fit…

Google home review, smarthome products

Up Your Smarthome Game with Google Home

Smartphones have been commonplace for quite some time but now consumers can buy smart fridges, TVs, lamps, appliances, and more. One of the latest smart products is internet smart speakers. Google has started selling its version of the smart speaker called Google Home and it’s their answer to the Amazon Echo. Google Home is more…

Meet the budget-friendly xiaomi redmi note 3 from gearbest

Meet the Budget-Friendly Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 from GearBest

The Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 is a very appealing phone thanks to its thin, cold, and metallic back cover capable of withstanding drops and general wear and tear. The scratch proof screen is also a pleasant surprise. The Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 is on the cheaper end of available smartphones and offers plenty of bang…

2016’s best new tech deal: hsn’s hp 15″ touchscreen notebook

2016’s Best New Tech Deal: HSN’s HP 15″ Touchscreen Notebook

Holiday shopping can be ripe with headaches as you meander through the crowded stores searching for the best deals. However, this holiday season you don’t have to wait until Black Friday or Cyber Monday. This year, you won’t have to brave the wintry weather, stand in long lines, or camp out to be the first one…

Take control of your print environment with hp’s managed print services

Take Control of Your Print Environment with HP’s Managed Print Services

This post brought to you by HP MPS. The content and opinions expressed below are that of Geek Insider. In today’s business world, companies must always have the most efficient and cost-effective operating systems and technology in order to be competitive and successful. Using the best business systems and work tools and proper management of…

Sony a. I. Software creates beatles-inspired music

Sony Releases Beatles-Inspired Song Made with A.I. Software

Last week Sony revealed that they’ve created two new pop songs by use of artificial intelligence. The songs were made at a Sony CSL Research Laboratory using the company’s Flow Machines software which learns musical styles from a catalog of songs and then compiles various combos of style transfer, interaction techniques, and optimization. The French…

Hp’s managed print services enhances productivity and cuts costs

HP’s Managed Print Services Enhances Productivity and Cuts Costs

This post brought to you by HP MPS. The content and opinions expressed below are that of Geek Insider. Whether you are a large marketing firm or the owner of insurance office branches, you certainly know the importance of the efficiency of your business systems and equipment in day-to-day operations. You may have found that in this…

Doctor strange, marvel cinematic universe

Will ‘Doctor Strange’ Be the Best Superhero Movie of 2016?

In a little more than a month, Marvel fans will have the chance to see yet another of their favorite comic book heroes on the big screen. The “Sorcerer Supreme” aka Doctor Strange was created by comic book artist and writer Steve Ditko. Doctor Strange debuted in an issue of Marvel Comic book Strange Tales…

Nasa headed to asteroid bennu

NASA Rocket Headed to Asteroid Bennu

NASA launched a space probe last Thursday to gather and bring back samples from an asteroid named Bennu. Scientists and researchers hope these asteroid samples will aid in learning more about the possibility of mining asteroids in the future as well as to gain insight into the origins of life on earth. An atlas rocket…

Comic madness: baltimore comic con 2016

Comic Madness: Baltimore Comic Con 2016

The annual Baltimore Comic Con concluded Sunday. According to the event’s organizers, over 40,000 people attended the celebration. Both young and the old wandered the Baltimore Convention Center’s football sized arena floor amongst the cosplayers and countless comic vendors selling old classics as well as newer and lesser known comics while local comic book makers showcased…

Startup developing brain prostethic for memory loss

Startup Developing Brain Prostethic for Memory Loss

A startup by the name of Kernel has revealed its plans to develop a brain prosthetic intended to help people with Alzheimer’s, dementia, those who have had a serious injury of the brain, stroke, or other conditions which have affected their memory. If Kernel succeeds in its mission, one day in the near future surgeons…

Baltimore comic con 2016

Baltimore Comic Con 2016: Celebrities, Comics, Cosplay, and More

Baltimore’s annual Comic Con is right around the corner. It’s going down over Labor Day weekend at Baltimore’s Convention Center and patrons of the Con will have lots to see and do. If you are thinking of going, this year’s guest of honor is Kevin Eastman who is a co-creator of the widely popular Teenage…