How does the internet really work?

How Does the Internet Really Work?

The Internet’s popularity has nowadays exceeded all expectations, having become more explosive and indispensable than ever. Whether you’re missing a piece of information, or whether you want to search for a movie, the web seems like the easiest and most reliable source of information. Although the Internet has become such a significant part of our…

‘are you afraid of the dark’ reboot snags ‘it’ screenwriter

‘Are You Afraid of the Dark’ Reboot Snags ‘It’ Screenwriter

The Are You Afraid of the Dark movie just got a lot more interesting when it was announced that one of the It screenwriters would be involved. Gary Dauberman (Annabelle, Annabelle: Creation) is set to write the script, which is based on the Nickelodeon classic. Are You Afraid of the Dark was a late-night horror…

Video games vs video slots: get ready to race!

Video Games vs Video Slots: Get Ready to Race!

Video games are universally popular, with a huge following across the spectrum. They are gender-neutral entertainment options, with a multi-themed appeal. From action-packed attractions to adventure-laden quests, video games are designed to transport you from the mundane to the surreal at the click of a button. These dazzling audio-visual bonanzas are created using sophisticated technology,…

How entrepreneurship and philanthropy go hand-in-hand

How Entrepreneurship and Philanthropy Go Hand-in-hand

When we think of entrepreneurs, we think: innovation. If you are an entrepreneur, you recognize your role to find new solutions that lead to better outcomes. And finding the roadmaps to better outcomes means that you will hopefully make an impact, both economically and socially, that will leave the world a better place than when…

Linear actuators revitalize the smart home automation scene

Linear Actuators Revitalize the Smart Home Automation Scene

Linear actuators were something which revitalized the home automation scene, because they so drastically altered what was possible. While there are many different types of actuator, 12 linear actuators are most common within home automation, as these are smaller, and quieter. Their size means that they can be used more easily by people who are…

First impressions – throne: kingdom at war

First Impressions – Throne: Kingdom at War

If any gaming category is deserving of comparisons to the proverbial phoenix rising from the ashes then it is the MMO/RPG genre. Whilst flagship games such as World of Warcraft and RuneScape have never really waned in popularity, it does appear that these types of games were slowly losing their appeal amongst what was once…

Are card games as good as video games?

Are Card Games as Good as Video Games?

If you’re reading this, you’re surely a passionate gamer and love to read all about new games or gaming gadgets. Of course, there are a lot of new games coming up, with incredible graphics, amazing, sound effects, original stories, each of them special in their own way. Today, I want us to go a bit…

How to personalize your mac to represent you more

How to Personalize Your Mac to Represent You More

One thing people love to do with their products and services is to personalize them. People absolutely love it when they can make something their own, and believe it or not, that only takes a couple of minutes when it comes to a Mac computer. There are a few very easy things you can do…

How blockchain technology and crypto currencies are changing major industries

How Blockchain Technology and Crypto Currencies are Changing Major Industries

  2018 will mark the ten-year anniversary of the inception of Bitcoin, a form of crypto currency that is currently valued around $90 billion. While Bitcoin and several other crypto currencies are surging, this form of technology is still in its early stages of development. Nonetheless, some investors have predicted that crypto currencies will be…

Star wars battlefront ii early look – galaxy far away

Star Wars Battlefront II Early Look – Galaxy Far Away

The previous Star Wars Battlefront wasn’t a very appreciated game, suffering from the community-dividing content, no singleplayer campaign, arcade’y feel and not being Pandemic’s production. It seems, that the criticism has been heard, as the upcoming Star Wars Battlefront II is apparently determined to make amends. Let’s take a look at how it goes about…

First impressions extra-terrestrials will have of earth

First Impressions Extra-Terrestrials Will Have of Earth

“Space, the final frontier.” These are the words uttered by James Tiberius Kirk (William Shatner) at the start of each episode of Star Trek, the groundbreaking science fiction TV series: words every geek can quote. Those unfathomable reaches of space are a source of endless fascination for geeks the world over. Although huge steps have…

La noire: coming to a console near you so beware the black dahlia killer

LA Noire: Coming to a Console Near You So Beware the Black Dahlia Killer

Article written by Iain Fenton, a journalist for CompareLotto. Earlier this month, RockStar announced that LA Noire (originally released in May 2011) would be re-released on Xbox One and PS4 consoles. LA Noire is a detective action-adventure video game and received widespread positive reviews. In the game, the player plays as a detective who is…

Will vr be mainstream for the next generation of gaming?

Will VR Be Mainstream for the Next Generation of Gaming?

Virtual reality technology has seen significant developments in recent years with more and more people around the world experiencing the positive benefits of this technology. Many popular games have incorporated VR technology into them to provide an even more realistic experience for gamers. For instance both Grand Theft Auto and Minecraft have released versions that…

Technology and airborne havoc

Technology and Airborne Havoc

Aviation requires no introduction, really. The king of transport and a huge industry, jobs pull in $446.8bn a year in revenue in the US alone, which would place it as the 26th largest economy in the world, above Thailand and Nigeria. Unfortunately, aviation has come into sharp focus over the past couple of years following a…

Mobile revenue smashed once again by zynga

Mobile Revenue Smashed Once Again by Zynga

There is no doubt that we are living in a mobile world, and as our lives become even busier we are increasingly depending on our phones for many things besides keeping in touch with family and friends. This increased mobile use is mainly due to the advancement in technology we have all enjoyed over the…