House of cards: a new season for the underwoods in review

House of Cards: A New Season for the Underwoods In Review

WARNING: the following will contain major spoilers about season two of House of Cards. If you haven’t seen it, stop right now and come back after you’ve spent the appropriate twelve hours watching all of it. I’ll wait. After watching season two of House of Cards, I decided to give myself a break from politics….

Geek love

Fun, Nerdy Date Ideas For Valentine’s Day 2014

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner, and with it comes both the anxiety of having to plan a romantic and memorable night with that special someone and the dread of having to find something to do by yourself. The fact that Valentine’s Day is on a Friday makes things slightly more intense. Oh, who…

How star wars episode vii could be freaking awesome

How Star Wars Episode VII Could Be Freaking Awesome

Let’s be honest: after the somewhat horrendous quality of the Star Wars prequels, it’s only natural to have some misgivings about Episode VII. Even with Disney taking the reigns, who knows what sort of stunts they could pull that would only serve to further the decline of our faith in the Force? I myself generally…

Net neutrality and why we should care about it

Net Neutrality and Why We Should Care About It

There’s quite a bit of hype going on across the internet world about internet neutrality and whether or not it will go away. For those of you who are unfamiliar with what is going on, please allow me to explain. On January 14th, a federal court of appeals struck down The Federal Communications Commision’s (FCC’s)…

Why we just don’t need anymore harry potter

Why We Just Don’t Need Anymore Harry Potter

Before everyone screams blasphemy at me and proclaims me a filthy Muggle, let me preface this with the statement that I adore the Harry Potter series, books and movies. I cried on my eleventh birthday when I didn’t get my letter to Hogwarts, and I will defend my House affiliation to the death. Don’t even…

House of cards season two: welcome back to the madness

House of Cards Season Two: Welcome Back to the Madness

If you were to combine the political intrigue of The West Wing and the passionate corruption of All the King’s Men, what do you think you would get? Netflix got its original series House of Cards and has not looked back from its resounding success. The entire first season of House of Cards was released on February 1st, 2013 and…

Black widow: forever a mystery, even in her own series

Black Widow: Forever a Mystery, Even in Her Own Series

We know all about Natasha Romanov’s work as a former KGB agent. It’s common knowledge that she defected to the United States and became a level 10 agent with with S.H.I.E.L.D. And, of course, her time with the Avengers cannot be ignored. Bottom line, Black Widow is perhaps one of the most badass heroes Marvel…

Surviving a fandom hiatus without dying of feels

Surviving a Fandom Hiatus Without Dying of Feels

These past few weeks have been eventful for members of the Dr. Who and Sherlock fandoms. Season seven of BBC’s Dr. Who ended this past Christmas with Matt Smith’s regeneration and Peter Capaldi’s much awaited arrival. Filming for season eight began on January 6th, but the premier will likely not air until well into fall of 2014. Similarly, the third season’s second…

Sherlock lives (finally…)!

Sherlock Lives (Finally…)!

Warning: Naturally, this post will contain mild spoilers regarding “The Empty Hearse.” You have been warned… It’s been one year, eleven months, and nineteen days since BBC aired the season two finale of its hit show, Sherlock, starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman. Following the release of “The Reichenbach Fall,” Sherlock immediately underwent an extended hiatus which left fans…

Xbox one and playstation 4 games: what to expect in 2014

XBox One and Playstation 4 Games: What to Expect in 2014

2014 is finally here, and we all know what that means. The start of a new year means only the beginning of our anticipation for a number of video games scheduled to be released. A decently sized increase in the number of Xbox One and Playstation 4 games is expected before the end of the…