Venom 2

The Hype Around Yet Another Super Villain Movie

Venom Tom Hardy graced the screen as the titular character of the movie Venom, and fans couldn’t get enough of him on the big screen. Tom Hardy plays another conflicted role that audiences know they are supposed to hate but love all the same. Like many MCU movies, this one ended on a note that…

Venom review, tom hardy

Venom Review – Semi-Spoiler Free

I’ve been waiting for this one, as you can tell from a couple of my previous articles over the past few months, so of course I made my way to the theater to see it opening weekend — in all its 3D glory no less. Now I’ll say this right off the bat, there have…

Pet sematary set photos

The Week in Geek Entertainment – Links 10/10/2018

Neil Gaiman signs deal with Amazon. –Comic Book Resource Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time saga is coming to television via Amazon. – Tom Hardy said his favorite scenes from Venom were cut from the movie. –Geek Tyrant Black Mirror S5 will have an interactive episode, as if the show weren’t freaky enough. –Geek Insider Robert…

Symbi-wrote: comics to read if you love venom

Symbi-Wrote: Comics to Read if You Love Venom

For better or worse, Sony Pictures’ Venom is upon us. Maybe the movie blew you away, or maybe you wish it’d blow away like a turd in the wind. Maybe it makes you want to trace the antihero’s origins back to the comic books. If that’s the case, you’re in luck. We have a few…

October movie preview- 'venom'

October Movie Preview: The Spooky Season Has Arrived

When October movies come around, I’m looking for Halloween movies or at the very least a movie that can fit in with the spooky season. This month definitely doesn’t disappoint. There are even two films with “Halloween” as either the title or part of the title. Plus man-eating anti-superheroes and a creepy hotel. We have…

New venom trailer

New ‘Venom’ Trailer Alleviates ALL Fears

Okay this just hit my inbox and I had to run over and do a quick update! A few weeks ago I did an article on Venom and at the time, we only had a teaser to go by. Well now Sony has released a full trailer and HOLY CRAP did it get me pumped! It…

Venom review, tom hardy

Dishing Venom: A Look at a Spidey-Foe

While not much is known in regards to plot in the upcoming Spider-Man spinoff Venom, and so far we only have the teaser trailer to base our excitement on, this is one character that many of us have been waiting for years to see properly embodied. After Spider-Man 3, we were assured time and again that Venom…

Venom #38

Comic Book Review: Venom #38

Venom #38 is the latest issue in Marvel’s thrilling tale of Flash Thompson as the secret avenger Venom. How will Venom continue his fight against Lord Ogre? How did jack O’Lantern escape prison? And most importantly, is Venom #38 worth your precious time? All the answers and more, right here in Geek Insider’s review of…

Superior carnage #1

Comic Book Review: Superior Carnage #1

Superior Carnage #1 aims to bring the Marvel psychopath kicking and screaming back into the Marvel Universe as part of their Superior Spider-Month. But does the genocidal alien wrecking machine have what it takes to win over comic book readers? Is the book worthy of its bold title? And is it a comic book worth…

Venom #37

Comic Book Review: Venom #37

Venom #37 is here and with it we’re treated to the continuing story of bully-turned-hero Flash Thompson as he fights crime using the iconic Venom symbiote. How will Flash step up his game in the hunt for Lord Ogre? Has the secret of Venom been revealed? Can Flash keep the ever powerful alien suit under…

Marvel venom

Comic Book Review: Venom #36

Venom #36 contains a version of the popular Spider-Man villain many readers may not be familiar with. But nevertheless, Flash Thompson’s bonding to the alien Venom symbiote is an interesting choice by Marvel and one that has seen great success for the Venom series since its debut in 2011. But is Venom #36 a good…