Latest Articles for Author: Amanda Jean Stanley

10 reasons why building your own pc is the way to go

10 Reasons Why Building Your Own PC Is The Way To Go

We computer-dwelling folk often weigh convenience over value when it comes to our beloved electronics. Parents groan when their kids point out (again) that the family PC can barely handle five year old games, and underemployed youth cringe at the price tag of gaming desktops that costs more than several months of rent. Many don’t…

The greatest gaming characters of generation y

The Greatest Gaming Characters of Generation Y

We all love Mario, Sonic and Lara Croft, but are they truly Generation Y’s heroes? If you were born between 1981 and 2000, you’re in Generation Y and odds are you inherited your older sibling’s video game characters. If you take a year squarely in Gen Y, like 1988, and imagine that most kids in…

Modern inventions that tesla and edison would love

Modern Inventions That Tesla and Edison Would Love

Tesla and Edison have been at odds long after their death, but instead of dwelling on their well-known hatred of one another, let’s imagine how they would react to modern day inventions! Certainly they would be impressed, but some things would likely irritate the strange pair. Tesla would most definitely have a field day seeing…

The top star trek technologies that really exist

The Top Star Trek Technologies That Really Exist

When I watch the original Star Trek with kids who are watching it for the first time, they get a good giggle out of the show’s tech. However, they don’t really realize that the majority of technology aboard the Enterprise wasn’t actually around during the filming. They don’t realize that WiFi, Bluetooth headsets, biometric scanning,…

Most hardcore moments from the walking dead

Most Hardcore Moments from the Walking Dead

The Walking Dead, despite internet squabbling, is an incredibly intense show that is unlike anything else on television right now. Main characters die constantly and no one is safe. This makes hardcore moments that much more meaningful. Here are some of the most hardcore and intense moments from The Walking Dead. Obviously, there are spoilers…

5 comic books you’ve never heard of

5 Comic Books You’ve Never Heard of

Comic books are a medium, not a genre. Just like movies or paintings, what may seem popular to some may be completely foreign to others. Trying to find books that nobody’s heard of is difficult; if they didn’t have at least a small cult following, we probably wouldn’t be hearing about them. The best way…

Video games for non gamers

Video Games for Non Gamers

These games appeal to non-gamers because they have simple premises, low pressure, easy learning curves, and don’t require a huge time commitment. Another good feature is fun co-op for parties or hangout time. Most of these games are either puzzles, party games, or platformers with a few sandbox games thrown in. It’s possible that if…

Netflix – the geek edition

Netflix – The Geek Edition

Netflix is the ultimate way to catch up on all of your Geekery! For anyone who has been resisting getting Netflix (why are you here?), I should point out that you don’t need to watch on your computer. You can use a mobile device and on your TV with a game console or a streaming…

10 best star trek gifs ever

10 Best Star Trek GIFs Ever

The original Star Trek series is silly, campy, and colorful and the GIFs rain from the Heavens! Every new GIF is the favourite for a while, until you find the next hilarious, touching, or ridiculous animation. Typing “Star Trek GIF” into Tumblr is like pulling the lever on a slot machine that always pays out….

10 best battlestar galactica gifs ever

10 Best Battlestar Galactica GIFs Ever

Thanks to a robust fandom and non-stop action, there are an excessive number of Battlestar Galactica GIFs online. Trolling through so many has been hilarious and heartbreaking as certain GIFs capture a moment or emotion that instantly bring us back to the couch. After you check out these GIFs you are going to be evangelizing…

10 things you probably never knew about harry potter

10 Things You Probably Never Knew About Harry Potter

The depth and complexity of the Wizarding World is more than you can absorb in one read-through of this beloved series. Now that the companion books and Pottermore have come out, new facts have come to light. This list is only a scratch on the surface. It would be impossible to name all the little…

When will we get a super heroine on the big screen?

When Will We Get A Super Heroine On The Big Screen?

Half the population is made up of women and there is a pantheon of female superheroes that exist in the comic universe already. So, what’s the hold up!? There’s more to female superheroes than Catwoman, Wonder Woman and Elektra! I contend that if more indie filmmakers write original characters for us to identify with, then…

10 things every geek should know

10 Things Every Geek Should Know

There are so many darling geek niches these days, one can’t possibly dictate everything that a geek should know! What seems like common knowledge to some may be mind-blowing to others. As we all know, not everyone self-identifies is a pop-culture fiend, so we’ll stay away from stuff like “why Han shot first matters”. Hopefully…

10 Facts About Bill Nye That You Never Knew

Bill Nye was the gentleman lucky enough to be tasked with engaging Gen Y in science. Bill Nye the Science Guy used quick cuts and silly gags to foster a love of science in young people starting in the mid-nineties. As a result, children everywhere irritated grown-ups by constantly correcting them. Bill has recently returned…

5 most memorable firefly moments

5 Most Memorable Firefly Moments

With a show like Firefly, choosing the five most memorable moments out of dozens is like deciding which of your fingers you love most. The short list was certainly over a dozen. Here we narrow down which scenes stick in our mind the most- the moments that throw you out of the journey you’d expected…