Stephen moyer hints at big happenings in the ‘true blood’ universe in 2016

Stephen Moyer Hints At Big Happenings In The ‘True Blood’ Universe In 2016

Fans of HBO’s long-rurnning vampire soap opera “True Blood” may not be in mourning over the show’s ending (which occurs later this month) for long. Actor Stephen, who plays droopy-eyed vampire Bill Compton on the show (and who has also slipped into the director’s chair for a few episodes), recently let drop a delicious little…

Nelsan ellis dishes on why luke grimes really left “true blood”

Nelsan Ellis Dishes On Why Luke Grimes Really Left “True Blood”

Before the commencement of “True Blood”’s final season, HBO announced that the character of James—who was introduced in the prior season as a new love interest for main character Jessica Hamby—would be recast. No specifics regarding the recast were dropped, save for the fact that James’s actor, Luke Grimes, would be replaced with Nathan Parsons,…

Memorable 'true blood' death scenes

The Top Seven Most Memorable ‘True Blood’ Death Scenes

As the date on which True Blood meets the True Death looms closer, fans of the sexy vampire soap opera are shedding tears of sadness (or joy, depending on whether or not you’re one of the numerous fans who have voiced displeasure with the show’s declining quality over the past three or four seasons). Whether…

“death is not the end” and true blood’s final season (so far)

“Death is Not the End” and True Blood’s Final Season (So Far)

The last season of True Blood has been a mixed bag for many. While the season has been dark and featured many main characters (Tara, Alcide) and side characters (Mrs. Fortenberry, Kevin) getting killed off, many in merciless fashion. On the one hand, the show DID have way too many characters and there are still…

10 sexiest women in geek tv

The 10 Sexiest Women in Genre Television

These are the ladies of sci-fi, fantasy, and horror that make fanboys hearts go all a’twitter, or least inspire posts on Twitter. We at Geek Insider know that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. That being said, we feel most geeks would be hard-pressed to deny that the following characters embody feminine attractiveness in…

True blood season 6 episode 5, recap and review

True Blood Season 6 Episode 5, Recap and Review

It is entirely possible that the creators of True Blood have finally remembered what made the show so good the first three seasons. Plenty of Lafayette, plenty of Jason doing what Jason does best and actual filling in of back-story. This episode was easily the best episode of the entire season and best of all,…

True blood season 6, episode 4: at last

True Blood Season 6, Episode 4: At Last

Things are heating up as the season rolls. Just like last week, when I thought the show was finally hitting its stride, this week’s episode was even better than the last. Unfortunately, the show is still a far cry from what it used to be, but at least this episode was interesting and didn’t have…

True blood season 6 episode 2: the sun

True Blood Season 6 Episode 2: The Sun

After last week’s episode, I went into last night wondering just how much crazy action we were going to see. The season opened up with several loud bangs and it seemed as if the the show’s creators understood they needed a bit of a slowdown. Had this been the kind of slowdown that filled out…

True blood season 6 episode 1 review: who are you really?

True Blood Season 6 Episode 1 Review: Who Are You Really?

It used to be that the return of True Blood was an exciting time of year. I wanted to get excited for last night’s season premiere, “Who are you, really?” I sat down in front of the television with a beer and a bucket of popcorn and got ready to welcome the return of people…