Megacon orlando is rescheduled, geek insider, cosplay news

MEGACON Orlando is Rescheduled

A Message from MEGACON Orlando First off, thank you all for your ongoing concern and support during these challenging times – it does not go unnoticed. From the beginning, our team at MEGACON Orlando has followed the recommendations made by the CDC and the Florida Department of Health. In light of this, and with the…

Violence in video games- 3d

Concerns About Violence In Video Games – In 3D!

We’ve all read about, heard about, and presumably mocked claims that video games are responsible for sparking violence in gamers. After all, before gamers can go on a bloodthirsty rampage, they have to get level 99 magic, and before they can do that, they have to backtrack across the map to recover a thingamabob because,…

“emergency” in la: facebook is down!

“Emergency” in LA: Facebook Is Down!

When emergencies happen, a question most people learn the answer to from a very young age is: “Who you gonna call?” In the real world, sadly, the answer is, more often than not, not the Ghostbusters. Though somehow residents of Los Angeles, California managed to do something even sillier. What 911 Is For In real…

Gamestop fingerprints gamers to help stop crime

GameStop Fingerprints Gamers to Help Stop Crime

GameStop issued a statement, explaining the implemented at the request of local authorities and has been place at the beginning of July.  “It’s a process that we’ve recently implemented in Philadelphia area stores at the request of the Philadelphia police department.” GameStop representative states that it is a practice we have also put into place…

Facial recognition technology used to estimate life expectancy

Facial Recognition Technology Used To Estimate Life Expectancy

Fortune-telling is a strange, mystical art. In movies, it’s usually dark and deals with an oncoming tragedy or struggle or tragic struggle. The tarot cards, crystal balls, and incense candles render the profession pseudo-scientific (except for those darned prophecies. Those always seem to come true). My friend even once got a fortune cookie that told…

Verizon suing netflix

Verizon Is Suing Netflix Over Claims of Internet Connection Problems

Netflix is available to stream movies and television shows on nearly every single device that can connect to the Internet. Be it on a computer, a phone, or a tablet; Netflix is all over place and it is certainly here to stay. Another major company that is just as ubiquitous is Verizon. Almost everyone is…

Massive bug discovered in almost every version of internet explorer

Massive Bug Discovered in Almost Every Version of Internet Explorer

Internet Explorer is infamous for being allegedly slower than every other browser, at least according to the memesphere. But, even after a huge deal of PR and relabeling, this big name browser has been struck with more misfortune. Apparently, this bug is built in to as early as version 6 of Explorer, and all the…

Is technology taking over buying a new home?

Is Technology Taking Over Buying A New Home?

Some technological innovations are particularly suited to certain businesses.  Buying a car has become very much an online practice and online gambling has become prevalent, but the focus of this article will be how the net has revolutionised buying a house. Many people endlessly view houses via apps on their phones, so much so that…

Net neutrality and why we should care about it

Net Neutrality and Why We Should Care About It

There’s quite a bit of hype going on across the internet world about internet neutrality and whether or not it will go away. For those of you who are unfamiliar with what is going on, please allow me to explain. On January 14th, a federal court of appeals struck down The Federal Communications Commision’s (FCC’s)…