Gal gadot

Gal Gadot on Wonder Woman 2 and Much More

Gal Gadot has been busy shooting films in which she portrays iconic roles. She shared an announcement regarding the wrap up of Wonder Woman 1984, a film which is set to release in 2020. This superhero franchise moves the timeline from the World War to the Cold War era, where Gal’s character Diana Prince aka…

'justice league' - november movie preview

November Movie Preview: Leaves Fall as Big Movies Drop

What do you get when you take two big superhero flicks, add an epic murder mystery, the return of Pixar and even our first Christmas movies of the season? Well you get an exciting list of November movie releases… and an empty wallet. Is the day after Halloween too early for a Christmas movie? Well…

'blade runner 2049'- october movie preview

October Movie Preview: The Cinematic Graveyard

With all the horror and creepiness from last month’s movie releases, there aren’t nearly as many October movies fit for the build-up to Halloween. Or maybe everyone got thoroughly creeped out with It and now they’re looking for something less murder-y. Well there are plenty of releases to choose from. Here’s our October movie preview….

Geek fuel august box promo

Get 25% Off Your First Geek Fuel Mystery Box Purchase!

You might have guessed from the title, but Geek Fuel is currently offering new customers 25% off their first mystery box purchase! Just to give you a little teaser about the August box, it will contain items featuring the brands Guardians of the Galaxy, Marvel Comics, Q-fig or Funko Pop! Vinyl Figure. Plus you’ll receive four…

Geek fuel june

Unboxing Geek Fuel’s Mystery Box For June 2017 – Get $3 Off!!

Geek Fuel is a subscription service that sends you a Monthly Mystery Box filled with everything you need to feed your geeky lifestyle. Each box contains an exclusive t-shirt, collectibles, and toys plus a downloadable Steam game. You can get the box reviewed in this article until the end of the month for $24.90 (including shipping)….

Wonder woman

‘Wonder Woman’ Breaks Box Office and Stereotypes

Comic book movies continue to rule the box office with the release of Wonder Woman. D.C. has had a rough time at the box office lately, with Batman vs Superman and then Suicide Squad being deemed a flop by many critics. But Wonder Woman seems to have made up for that. Rotten Tomatoes has the…

'wonder woman' june movie preview

June Movie Preview: Summer of Wonder

Like every other month, May had hits and misses. But there was something rewarding about a shorter list of movies, all with potential to draw in fans and do well. June is back to the usual smorgasbord of good and bad. We still have a probable hit based on the first lady of DC Comics….

9 anticipated movies from female filmmakers

9 Anticipated Movies From Female Filmmakers

The issue of gender inequality in film production has been an ongoing discussion that questions whether the prominence of female filmmakers is progressing at a slower pace than it should, or regressing at a faster speed. Earlier this year, 20th Century Fox released a schedule of films set for future production that concerned film critics,…

Wonder woman controversy, gal galdot

The ‘Wonder Woman’ Trailer & the Troubles with Casting

Wonder Woman isn’t set to hit theaters until June 2, 2017, but the trailer is already here. It follows suit with most DC films, it’s dark and gritty and full of action. The movie has been controversial from the start. Many fans of the Wonder Woman series have stated things like Gal Gadot is not…

Halloween costumes for the geeky fashionista

Halloween Costumes for the Geeky Fashionista

It’s that time of year again where the ghouls, the goblins, witches, and wizards come out to play. It’s getting colder and even the leaves are in the halloween mood, changing colors from green to reds and oranges. It’s that time of year where, even as an adult, we ask ourselves “What am I going to be…

I am a wonder woman convert

I am a Wonder Woman Convert

I hated Wonder Woman my entire childhood growing up. I was a girl who loved Superhero’s and comic books; but my backpacks were Spider-Man, my pajamas had Bat Signals on them, and my barretts donned the Superman ‘S.’ My brother and I would wake up at 9am on Saturdays to watch Dragon Ball Z, then…