The subjects: the best ‘superhero’ movie you’ve probably never seen

The Subjects: The Best ‘Superhero’ Movie You’ve Probably Never Seen

It doesn’t have the big budget of The Avengers or The Dark Knight and there aren’t any Earth-hating Gods or aliens, but 2015’s The Subjects does bring a unique angle to the question “what superpower would you want to have?”  When seven people – oh wait… 8 people (ya gotta watch that Phil fellow) – show up…

Angel catbird, margaret atwood

Angel Catbird: Margaret Atwood Writes First Graphic Novel

The 76-year-old Canadian poet, novelist, literary critic, and essayist Margaret Atwood, can officially add the title of a published comic book writer to her extensive creative portfolio. Teaming up with comic book publishers Dark Horse, Atwood has released the first volume of her superhero series titled, Angel Catbird. In Atwood’s fantastical world, she maps out…

Geeky bathing suits

11 Geeky Bathing Suits for Summer

Do you know what time it is? It’s time for sunnier days, warmer nights, and the best memories. To keep it short and simple, it’s summer time. With more fun-filled activities during the summer time, it’s time to be prepared for certain events. Events like beach day and pool day call for bathing suits that…

Spider-man incarnations

Heroes 101: Spider-Man

Spider-Man is easily one of the most prominent characters in Marvel and comics history. Period. He’s been a staple in the comics world since 1962 when he first appeared in the anthology comic book Amazing Fantasy #15. From nerdy high school kid to freelance photographer to body swapping with one of his archenemies to even…

Top superhero fights in film

Pow! Top Superhero Fights in Film

Some will argue that the action genre is a fading art with every studio milking the comic book cash cow. Back in your mother’s day, one liner action gurus, like Stallone and Norris, brought sweaty chest hair to justice on the big screen year round. A great action movie these days, much to Jason Statham’s…

Thor will be a woman in marvel’s new comic book series

Thor Will Be A Woman In Marvel’s New Comic Book Series

Followers of the Nordic world must have already heard the latest news but for those who haven’t, Marvel, in a very pleasantly surprising public broadcast, has revealed that they will be introducing the first ever female Thor character in their upcoming comic book series. As announced on ABC’s talk show The View, the new storyline will be launched in October…

Superhero movies: how are they changing?

Superhero Movies: How are they Changing?

Superhero movies are becoming more and more ingrained in our culture.  They are some of the most profitable movies we have and they have quickly surpassed every other kind of blockbuster in sheer number.  They have also changed a great deal since the Batman Movie with bat shark repellant.  Some have been dark and gritty…

Tank girl

Geek Insiders’s Non-Super Comic Book Heroes

There’s nothing super about these non-super comic book heroes Be it Superman, Spider-Man, Justice League, The Avengers, or X-Men, you’ll be hard pressed to find any modern geek who isn’t without their favorite super-powered comic book hero. The list certainly doesn’t end there, as the world of comic books offers hundreds of weird and wonderful variations of…