Us teenager claims to be first to beat tetris video game

US teenager claims to be first to beat Tetris video game

In a groundbreaking gaming accomplishment, Willis Gibson, a 13-year-old from Oklahoma, is believed to be the first human player to conquer the iconic video game, Tetris. This achievement comes 34 years after the game’s release. The momentous event was captured on video and shared on Gibson’s YouTube channel, where he can be seen reaching level…

Kanye west's 'only one' video game debut

Kanye West’s ‘Only One’ Video Game Debuts at E3 2016

Is it too good to be true? Kanye West debuts a trailer for his video game Only One at the E3 2016 event in Los Angeles on Monday, June 16, 2016. Kanye West Unveils New Video Game Is there anything Kanye can’t do? Probably not. The rapper/artist/fashion connoisseur has always been known for stepping out…

Video game closet cosplay ideas

Top 5 Video Game Closet Cosplay Ideas for Newbies

Many of us are longtime gaming fans, but as new cosplayers, emulating your favorite video game character can be a huge undertaking. That’s why I want to talk about the top 5 video game closet cosplays that even newbies can make their own. They’re all pretty simple, recognizable, and a great way to start your…

Harry potter video game series

The Harry Potter Video Game Series: The Good, The Bad and The Irritating

Which is the best Harry Potter Video Game? Througout the years, many fans of the Harry Potter video game series have discussed their opinions on the best book or the best film. Everyone has their own views and personal favorites. However it is rare to find any real discussion about the video games, which is understandable as…

Legend of korra: video game in the works

Legend of Korra: Video Game In The Works

Bending the Elements on your console! With the third season of The Legend of Korra kicking off, more news about the Avatar universe has been circling the web. Platinum Games and Activsion have confirmed that they are working together to create a third person combat video game version of the Legend of Korra. The gameplay is…

Review: watch dogs (it’s not a hack job)

Review: Watch Dogs (It’s Not A Hack Job)

Introductory Thoughts: There are a lot of mixed opinions and feelings concerning this game, and rightfully so. Personally, I experienced feelings from both sides of the fence, but after spending a bit of extra time playing the game, I found that overall it wasn’t as bad as I was trying to make it out to…