Video game closet cosplay ideas

Top 5 Video Game Closet Cosplay Ideas for Newbies

Many of us are longtime gaming fans, but as new cosplayers, emulating your favorite video game character can be a huge undertaking. That’s why I want to talk about the top 5 video game closet cosplays that even newbies can make their own. They’re all pretty simple, recognizable, and a great way to start your venture into cosplay!

5. Characters from the Pokemon  Series

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While these cosplays may be less identifiable, they’re simple enough to make it onto our list. The games are released regularly so you’ll have plenty of characters to choose from. You could pick a generic character that gamers choose from at the title screen, or maybe one of the friends you meet along the way. The plethora of Pokemon characters you can choose from is what gives them a spot on our list.


4. Splicers, Bioshock

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Who doesn’t love a good villain? The villains you fight through on Bioshock 1 & 2 can be cosplayed as simply or as complicated as you wish. All you need is a good flapper-era themed party outfit and you can throw in some fake blood so you won’t have to destroy your outfit. You can even wear the masks the Splicers wear in the first Bioshock if you so choose. It’s definitely a cosplay you can have fun with, and as long as you look dirty and bloody enough, you’ll be recognizable! It helps if you carry a wrench around with you. The fun you can have with this cosplay is what puts it on our list of top 5 video game closet cosplays!


3. Mario

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Mario can be cosplayed easily by wearing jean suspenders and a red t-shirt. There are also plenty of cute variations that females can do if they want to gender-bend the character. You can just as easily stick with a simple closet cosplay though. This game has had many fans through the years and would be a pretty simple cosplay, which is why it just had to be on our list of top 5 video game closet cosplay ideas!


2. Lara Croft: Tomb Raider

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Lara Croft has always been a favorite for female cosplayers. There are few conventions that don’t sport at least one Lara Croft cosplayer. It can be done easily with some cargo shorts and a grey tank top. Top it off with some fake face dirt and some work boots, and you’re the perfect Lara Croft. It’d be awesome to see a gender-bend of this cosplay too!


1. The Sims

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The Sims is a long time video game franchise that simulates everyday life. The beauty of cosplaying a Sim is that you can wear and look however you want! The only thing you really need to pull it off is a plumbob headband. A plumbob is the shape used in the game to show which Sim you’re playing as, and you can easily print off and fold your own plumbob. Stick it on a headband and you’re the perfect Sim! The simplicity and ease of achieving this cosplay makes it number one on our list of top 5 video game closet cosplays!


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