Tips for comic con

Tips For Attending Your First Convention

Whether you’re a gamer, a cosplay fan, a tech nerd, or a comic book geek, there’s plenty of convention experiences available to suit all tastes and interests. It can be an exciting but also rather daunting prospect attending your first event, but if you have a good time, it will be a memorable experience that…

Awesome con

AWESOME CON 2017: Three Days of Seemingly Endless Fun

Awesome Con has become the biggest Con in the Washington D.C. Baltimore area. While the Baltimore Comic Con is comparable in size, nothing compares to the three days of comics, animation, cosplay, panels, and overall fun that Awesome Con delivers. Patrons this year had the chance to meet and greet guests and artists such as…

Con man

Con Man: Fillion and Tudyk Crowd-Fund New Series

When most people hear the phrase “con man,” their first thought is of a suave, well-dressed, slick-talking man who deceives people into giving him money. This is not the case, however, for Nathan Fillion (Malcolm Reynolds, Firefly) and Alan Tudyk’s (Hoban “Wash” Washburne, Firefly) new series Con Man, which is about two actors (actors playing actors, hmm…), named…

Surviving your first convention

Tips for Surviving Your First Convention

I’ve been to a few conventions and if you ever plan on going to a comic book, video game, anime, or other convention there are a few things I’d like to share with you. If you have already attended one, these tips for surviving your first convention might make whatever one you plan on going…

Cosplay tips, kingdom hearts

Cosplay Tips For An Incredible Con Season Experience

For many, summer means three homework-less months of friends, vacationing, and long days spent by the pool. For others, it means the height of “con season”—the time of year during which most anime/video game connections take place. And where there’s a con, there’s going to be cosplayers. Of course, cons aren’t the only time when…

7 most geek-friendly cities in the us

7 Most Geek-Friendly Cities in the US

Some of us live in the dark spots of the nation, far away from our geeky brethren and the gatherings (known in the geek dialect as cons; not to be confused with scams) that bring them together. We are forced to either travel hundreds or thousands of miles at great expense or sit at home…

Geekgirlcon: empowering women, one convention at a time

GeekGirlCon: Empowering Women, One Convention at a Time

GeekGirlCon, which takes place in Seattle, is inspiring women to dream big. When it comes to Geek culture and women in America, equality has always been just out of reach. Whether it’s gaming and comic books or something a little more serious like a career in the science and technology fields, men have consistently dominated…