Samsung chromebook fail

Samsung Chromebook Fail

After considerable thought I purchased the Samsung Chromebook, looking for something light, easy and portable. Although, I knew the limitations, I didn’t realize how limiting they would actually feel. I said I wanted the Chromebook as a writing device, but I’ll admit, I really just wanted to see it in action. You hear a lot of stuff…

Google Reader Shutting Down: Bad Or Good Decision?

July 1: Google Reader=Gone It’s happening, like it or not, sign a petition or not, angrytweet it or not. Google Reader is being shut down by the Google powers that be. And the spokesperson for said powers is none other than Urs Hölzle, Senior VP of Technical Infrastructure. Sorry folks, its over come July 1….

Virtual Reality Simulators, aka Holodecks!

Holodecks, you know, those incredible training areas in Star Trek (that were WAY underused by the way), aren’t just a piece of science fiction any more. In the 21st century we call them virtual reality simulators…though honestly, holodeck is easier to say. Regardless, the technology is growing closer to what we always saw on TV…

Halo 4: Spartan Ops

It’s a new style of game-play. Taking LAN to a new worldwide level, and getting your friends together to play an awesome game, Spartan Ops has taken the traditional multi-player concept into a new world. And it’s better that way.  I speak as a long-time Halo fan-boy, buying the original Xbox just because a friend had Halo and we…

Nexus 4: Journey So Far

Switching Phones I’ve recently made a switch, trading in my iPhone 4 for a Nexus 4 (apparently I have a thing for the number 4). And so far I haven’t looked back. Let’s take a look at the reasons for my switch. Featured Link: Nexus 4, What’s Taking so Long? Primary Reason Okay, i’ll admit it….

Nexus 4: What’s Taking So Long?

Nexus 4 Rant OK, I’ve been keeping tabs on the Nexus 4 quite a while now, since my order on Nov. 28. About 7 weeks, 4 days and 12 hours…roughly. So, as you can imagine, I’m eager to get my hands on it and test it out! Thus I ask, where is this Nexus 4 that is getting such…

Nexus 7 Saga Continues

Nexus 7 Fail Just as I wrapped up “Nexus 7 Integrated Services – Continued Review”, my Nexus 7 fritzed to black and didn’t turn back on.  Ah, irony is still alive and well in the universe.  So, being a technician, I plugged it in and hard reset the device by holding down the power and…

Nexus 7 integrated services – continued review

Nexus 7 Integrated Services – Continued Review

Its 2013, day 188 of Nexus 7 ownership and the review continues This time around, let’s look into the convenience factor the Nexus 7 holds because of Google’s integrated software.  Running the pure android OS is awesome, primarily because of instant updates, but also for the sweet services that Google includes with no bloatware.  Google Apps, Docs, Drive, Email…the list…

Smartphone Apps I actually Use

Everyone loves new stuff; seeing it, touching it, getting it for free.  It’s what’s made the Smartphone so great, because you can download apps ALL THE TIME!!! But really, how many of those apps get used on a constant basis?  I have an iPhone 4, with 69 apps loaded and ready to go, but I…

Technology in the 21st Century

A Review of Technological Advancements since the Turn of the Century Personally, I’m surprised at the sheer amount of technological advancements in just the past few years.  I would say that there have been some serious innovations, not just improvements in the past twelve years.  So what areas have been the most innovative? Medical Fields Wireless Technology…

Nexus 7 Full Review

June 28th I purchased the first version of the Google Nexus 7, 16 GB.  It cost me $249, and I honestly haven’t regretted it.  While sitting around a table with friends or coworkers they constantly ask me, “Why didn’t you buy the iPad?  Or the iPad Mini?  Why a Nexus 7?” Well, here you go everyone, this…