Latest Articles for writing


The Social Significance of Fanfiction

Of all of the subjects that inspire incessant waves of hatred across the internet, few are so bizarre in the amount of disdain that they receive as fanfiction. Haters Gonna Hate Often laughed at and sneered upon by writers and readers alike, fanfiction (fiction written openly using character and story elements belonging to an already…

In defense of fanfiction

In Defense of Fanfiction

Don’t read suspicious emails, don’t try to win a free iPod from that banner ad, and beware of traumatizing fanfiction. These are the sorts of things you learn when you spend your formative years lurking in the darkest corners of the internet. I certainly did, and as such, I have watched the culture of fandoms…

The ultimate guide for newbie writers

The Ultimate Guide for Newbie Writers

Boost Your Word Bank Burning the midnight oil to memorize new words as many as you can in the dictionary? That’s not wise, pal. How about installing a new habit that requires little effort, instead? Pay a visit to and get a free subscription of A.Word.A.Day. Memorizing a word a day is a piece of…

Bad guys: how to love a villain

Bad Guys: How to Love A Villain

There are often many moments while reading when you wonder “How did the writer come up with this?” or “How can they handle killing off this character?” (ahem, Mr. Martin). Learning to Love the Villain Have you ever been so terrified of an antagonist that you’ve thought “How did you dream up such an evil…

Making time to write your novel

Making Time To Write Your Novel

When the inspiration hits, it hits like a bolt of lighting. Bam! Characters, locations, plot devices, and love interests all come at you faster than a melting snow cone in Mount Doom. It’s a hard life, being a creative, but we deal. What’s really difficult is finding the time to actually sit and bang out…