Latest Articles for The Office

Office gizmos to make your workday awesome

‘The Office’ Inspired Gizmos to Make Your Workday Awesome

Foremost, all hail Dwight Shrute– beloved office misfit, Battlestar Galactica and beet loyalist, and martial artist. His, along with his coworker Jim Halpert’s office antics made The Office entertaining to watch. We also can’t disregard that super dork boss, Michael Scott, added to the entertainment, making the office look like a place that seemed not…

Workplace tv shows that make us want to change careers

Workplace TV Shows That Make Us Want To Change Careers

Television, the great escape. TV takes us away from our daily lives and into whole new worlds. These worlds don’t have to be fantasy like Westeros, or dystopian like in The Walking Dead, to have the ability to take us away. Some of the most popular series actually parallel our daily lives, more specifically, our…

Tv’s greatest sidekicks

TV’s Greatest Sidekicks

Any true fan can see the value of a great sidekick. The protagonist can’t be right all of the time, or when they are things get rather boring. We need that extra voice to aid our hero in battle. In television we are given plentiful opportunities for a switch of protagonist with the various characters…

Saying goodbye to dwight schrute, the geek of ‘the office’

Saying Goodbye to Dwight Schrute, the Geek of ‘The Office’

Sit-coms, while being fun and entertaining, tend to be filled with predictable character archetypes. There’s usually a cool guy, a cute girl, a dumb person, a geek. Well in “The Office” the large cast fills that quota and then some. Now I’m talking about the American version of “The Office” because the original British series…