Week in geek entertainment – links 8-24-2018

Week in Geek Entertainment – Links 8-24-2018

A lot can happen in week. In case you weren’t paying attention, we’ve got an entire week of geek news condensed into easily digestible bits. Castle Rock has been renewed for S2. –iHorror (check out our recaps here) FX’s Y the Last Man has begun production. –Screen Rant Jordan Chiles performed a Wonder Woman-themed performance…

‘big bang’ to resume production after contract debacle

‘Big Bang’ to Resume Production After Contract Debacle

Fans of the award-winning CBS geek sitcom, rejoice: The Big Bang Theory is back in business. After weeks of tense pay negotiations, the entire main cast has officially signed three-year contracts with Warner Bros. TV, all with hefty pay raises. America’s favorite ragtag team of scientists began production on their eighth season yesterday. “Big Bang’ Rides…

‘the big bang theory’ season 8 under $1 million threat

‘The Big Bang Theory’ Season 8 Under $1 Million Threat

Big Bang Theorists (The Big Bang Theory fans) might actually have a problem that cannot be solved by using String Theory. You’re probably waiting for a “Bazinga!” But, CBS’ hit show The Big Bang Theory stars are currently locked in tense contract negotiations, which started in September, with Warner Bros. Television; and threatening the shows upcoming season. The…

Is ‘the big bang theory’ really geek-friendly?

Is ‘The Big Bang Theory’ Really Geek-Friendly?

It was four or five years ago when I was first introduced to The Big Bang Theory by none other than my high school algebra II teacher. That day’s lecture had trickled off into a tangent, as I had come to expect them to, and he was cracking joke after self-deprecating joke about being an…

Games on tv: dungeons and dragons edition

Games on TV: Dungeons and Dragons Edition

TV is not particularly well known for depicting things accurately. Any computer that the whiz-kid hacker puts his finger-less gloves to will invariably make all kinds of beeps and flicking noises. The grouchy old doctor/police officer will be a complete asshole to his colleagues, but will always end up being right, and totally validated in…

The big bang theory conundrum

The Big Bang Theory Conundrum

Stop me if this sounds familiar: Thing comes into existence. Thing gathers more fans and snowballs in popularity. People start to become actively angry that this thing is becoming popular, which then grows in direct proportion to the popularity of the thing. This is happening with The Big Bang Theory, a show watched by upwards…

Top 4 geek references on ‘the big bang theory’

Top 4 Geek References on ‘The Big Bang Theory’

The Big Bang Theory is one of the hottest shows around today and television utopia for geeks. The show is based on five roomates – Leonard is an experimental physicist, Sheldon is a theoretical physicist, Penny the beautiful waitress, and the overly nerdy Howard and Raj who are an aerospace engineer and astrophysicist respectively. It…