Nintendo switch

Nintendo Stops Production Due to Coronavirus

People love the Nintendo Switch. But the Coronavirus is one of the most significant bosses that gamers and the general population will have to deal with this year. The virus is slowing down economic activity and spoiling good times everywhere, including Nintendo Switch production. Let’s find out more. Coronavirus is still a problem The recent…

‘octopath traveler’ gets a release date, character reveals, & more

‘Octopath Traveler’ Gets a Release Date, Character Reveals, & More

Breathtaking Artwork Last September, Nintendo released a Direct that featured a new game demo for a working title: Project Octopath Traveler. Octopath’s development team made the hit 3DS game Bravely Default. From the game’s first impression, it was heralded for its gorgeous art style. The developers have termed their design approach as “HD-2D.” Think 16-Bit character…

Nintendo direct 3. 8. 2018: what the heck nintendo?!

Nintendo Direct 3.8.2018: What the Heck Nintendo?!

For any Switch fanatics out there, and gamers in general, March 8, 2018 heralded our attention because we were all waiting for the news and information on our long anticipated games and franchises. The new Pokemon RPG announcement, Metroid Prime 4 release date, and any other big name titles that Youtubers and forums have been…

‘teslagrad’ followup and more coming to switch early this year

‘Teslagrad’ Followup and More Coming to Switch Early This Year

If you’re a fan of the indie title Teslagrad that came out last month, then you may want to check out World to the West. Both games take place in the same universe, but World to the West does follow its own story.  “World to the West is focused around, exploration, action and environmental puzzles,…

The switch might have netflix soon…

The Switch Might Have Netflix Soon…

Rumor has it that the Nintendo Switch may have a Netflix app sometime in the near future. This is coming from a GoNintendo user, who gave the site this information:  “According to a Netflix customer service rep, Netflix is “locked and loaded” for Switch. Apparently Netflix has been trying to get permission to launch their…

Pre-launch joy-con issues switch fans need to know about

Pre-Launch Joy-Con Issues Switch Fans Need to Know About

Pre-launch reviewers of the Nintendo Switch are reporting an issue that fans should be aware of, especially those who will be getting the console when it’s released on March 3. The left Joy-Con controller loses connection with the console during gameplay according to IGN, Kotaku, and Retronauts. The reviewers were vocal about the problem on…

Nintendo switch

The Price is Right for the Nintendo Switch’s Online Service

While Nintendo has kept fairly quiet about the Switch’s online service, fans have been pretty vocal on the matter. Sure, some details were released (and not all of them satisfying), but a crucial question hadn’t been answered barely over a month before launch. How much will this service cost? The president of Nintendo in Japan finally…

Gamers have a lot to look forward to in 2017

Gamers Have a Lot to Look Forward to in 2017

The new year is nearly upon us, and it’s looking to be plenty exciting for gamers. There’s no shortage of games promised for 2017, but here are few that stand out. Mass Effect: Andromeda Andromeda will carry on the name of the beloved Mass Effect trilogy in 2017. Players will be getting a whole new galaxy…

Nintendo switch

The Nintendo Switch’s Name Says It All

Rumors of the new console being released by Nintendo dubbed it the ‘NX,’ but upon it’s release on October 20th its true identity as the ‘Switch’ was revealed. Nintendo’s reasoning behind this title became apparent in the short video accompanying the announcement. Viewers watched as a relatively compact console seated on its dock is removed, and…