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Top-5 gaming consoles

TOP-5 Gaming Consoles Ever

We will never forget our first gaming consoles. It took us enormous efforts to persuade parents buy one. The unboxing and plugging it in took ages. I don’t know what you got as your first gaming device, but mine was SEGA Master System. Its technical superiority was unrivaled. The only thing it really lacked was…

Interview with cinemassacre's mike matei

Interview with Cinemassacre’s Mike Matei

This past weekend, I had the opportunity to attend SGC 2014 (ScrewAttack Gaming Convention) in Dallas, Texas. While I was there, I visited a number of interesting panels. Yet the one I enjoyed the most revolved around James Rolfe and Mike Matei of Cinemassacre as they celebrated the 10th Anniversary of Cinemassacre. Although the event…

New world record: fastest time beating super mario bros

New World Record: Fastest Time Beating Super Mario Bros

I’d like to encourage you to take a moment to reflect on how long it might take you to perform or conduct certain daily tasks. You know, the sort of things like taking a shower, vacuuming the house, making breakfast, or even driving to work. Now, with that being said, how would your mind fathom…

Hyperkin retron 3: thousands of fond memories in one console

Hyperkin Retron 3: Thousands of Fond Memories in One Console

Remember the good ole’ days of gaming? It was a time when every game that came out exceeded your expectations; a time when there were only three controls: movement, action and jump. It was the beauty of simplicity. The games came in bulky cartridges that you were sure could survive a nuclear attack. When these…


Nintendo Announces New Zelda, Mario and Yoshi Games Plus More

Nintendo’s Satoru Iwata and Reggie Fils-Aime have announced a series of new games in their recent video-based press release, Nintendo Direct. The titles include brand new Zelda, Mario & Luigi, Mario Party and Yoshi’s Island games for the Nintendo 3DS. It has also been announced that several classic Nintendo games will be re-released digitally for…

Retro games

Top 10 Retro Video Games

Video games have come a long way from those 8 bit systems from Nintendo and other gaming systems. But for those of us who grew up on those gaming system that seem so obsolete to the gamers of today, there is no comparison. Below are the top 10 retro video games that will forever hold a…