How to save money online

How to Save Money Online

So much more of our shopping is done online nowadays, which has its benefits and its drawbacks. Whilst we’ve had hundreds of years to get accustomed to the process of buying goods in person, we’ve only had a relatively short space of time to get used to the art of finding a great deal on…

8 tips to make your laptop feel like new 

8 Tips to Make Your Laptop Feel Like NEW 

Laptops come in handy in our daily routines for entertainment or work. However, the constant usage and reliance on these machines quickly lead to wear and tear. This does not warrant immediate disposal. Instead, try out the remedies provided below. Delete Apps and Files If you use your laptop regularly, it must have loads of…

5 ways to convert a wired printer into a wireless one

5 Ways to Convert a Wired Printer into a Wireless One

Now you can convert your wired printer into a wireless one.  Wired printers’ popularity grew when most homes had only one desktop. Fast forward, and advanced technology has brought computers into our pockets.  To use the wired printer, you must physically connect wires to your PC. This is pretty difficult and inconvenient, especially if you…

Ubuntu running slow? 8 tricks to speed up your linux pc

Ubuntu Running Slow? 8 TRICKS to Speed Up Your Linux PC

Ubuntu offers a pretty good speed on top of mechanisms to squeeze even more from it. So, if you get performance issues with the operating system, you need to be aware of some tweaks. You don’t have to wait at your system’s beck and call. Instead, try out the eight tips below and see your…

9 basic google sheets functions you should know

9 Basic Google Sheets Functions You Should Know

Spreadsheet applications like Google Sheets have functions that play a significant role in every action you perform. So, if you are new to the application, it can feel complicated and overwhelming. Worry not, as we’ve compiled the most basic functions commonly used on Google Sheets. Summing up Numbers Whenever you’re working with numbers, you’ll likely…