Help children in africa by playing this game

Help Children in Africa by Playing This Game

Have you ever wondered if you can use your phone to help out for once instead of just ignoring people or stalking them on Facebook? Well, now you can. The game “Sidekick Cycle” (Global Gaming Initiative) will help you do just that. The great thing about this game is that for every 387 sold, Global…

5 ways your gaming ego is getting in the way of your game

5 Ways Your Gaming Ego is Getting in the Way of Your Game

Have you ever met some one while playing Call of Duty that thought they were the best player ever? They kept talking about how they were gonna own your whole team with their awesome quick-scopes and crap like that? They insist that your team is crap and that you suck, and somehow they know your…

5 ways social media is destroying relationships

5 Ways Social Media is Destroying Relationships

You ever wonder why people lately have been so shy? Or why the walking into walls tally has gone up in the past decade? Maybe that’s because people don’t even talk to each other face to face anymore, or maybe because they’re too busy staring at their phones to pay attention to what’s in front…

Signs you’re dating a geek, and why it will benefit you

Signs You’re Dating a Geek, and Why it Will Benefit You

Dating a geek is becoming a more and more likely thing in the world we live in today. Since being a geek is becoming more and more accepted in the world, the geek/nerd population is growing every day. So, it’s likely that at some point in your life, you will come to the realization that…

5 geeky companies you should consider working for

5 Geeky Companies You Should Consider Working For

At one point or another, all of us geeks have to admit it to ourselves, we have wanted to work at a tech savvy company. Whether it be Microsoft, or Sony, if you’re a geek, you’ve definitely put this on your to-do list at one point or another. For those of you that still hold…

Geek bucket list: 10 things every geek should do before they die

Geek Bucket List: 10 Things Every Geek Should Do Before They Die

I’m sure you have heard of the term bucket list, and it’s always filled with amazing and crazy things like skydiving, or visiting a certain place, blah blah this and blah blah that. Who wants to fall from the sky? Not me. I would much rather be chilling in my cave with a Redbull in…