How to save money on gas

How To Save Money on Gas

With gas prices reaching their all-time high in March 2022, budget-conscious Americans have become concerned about their spending. From focusing on work from home opportunities to taking public transport, many families have started scrambling for options to help them save money.  But what if you didn’t have to change your lifestyle to an uncomfortable degree? …

Ways to use social media in education: advantages and disadvantages

Ways to use social media in education: Advantages and Disadvantages

There are many different options on how to use social media for education. There are some ideas on how to use social media inside and outside the classroom. Social networking is the fastest way to find the right person and give them the information they need. Anywhere, anytime. Especially valuable is having an account in…

The best mythology themed games in 2022

The Best Mythology Themed Games in 2022

We absolutely adore mythology themed games here at Geek Insider, so we think that today is a great day to bring to you our list of the absolute best games themed on ancient myths. After hours of research we figured out that there are almost too many to pick from. It seems that Ancient Myth…

The college aid war on the middle class

The College Aid War on the Middle Class

Created as a tool to hold the rich accountable, the College
Scholarship Service Profile is enabling collusion among big name
schools and subjecting middle class families to invasive scrutiny and
financial loss

Woohoo!!! Mystery science theater 3000 returns for season 13

Woohoo!!! Mystery Science Theater 3000 Returns for Season 13

W e’ve got movie sign … again! This spring, the critically acclaimed television seriesMystery Science Theater 3000 returns for a brand-new season of movie riffing. And this time, – thanks to a second record-breaking Kickstarter campaign – MST3K has gone fully indie and will be releasing episodes directly to the fans, without a network. As Mystery Science Theater 3000 returns for its…