Avengers #16

Comic Book Review: Avengers #16

Avengers #16 continues the countdown to Marvel’s big Infinity event next month. But as part of the ongoing “Prelude to Infinity”, what new revelations will Avengers #16 bring to the ever expanding Marvel Universe? What does the birth of the Earth’s newest organism mean for the Avengers? And is it worth your precious time? Geek…

Comic Book Review: Avengers #15

Avengers #15 is the latest instalment of the ongoing comic book epic which sees the titular heroes face a new world that they don’t understand. As Marvel countdown to its Infinity event, what does the latest issue in its flagship series event have to offer? Everything you need to know and more, right here in…

The incredible hulk

The Many Faces of The Incredible Hulk

Ah, The Incredible Hulk. Comic books are such a diverse medium brimming with imagination, witty humour, thoughtful social commentary and much, much more. But after a long day of controversial comic book mutants, Marvel’s distasteful rape scenes and a whole load of shoddy comic books (I’m looking at you, Wolverine MAX), the mean, green wrecking…