Bleep bleeps: bringing functional whimsy to parenting assistance

Bleep Bleeps: Bringing Functional Whimsy to Parenting Assistance

I think we can all agree that parenting is difficult at the best of times. Babies are pretty much miniature inconvenience machines, wielding powerful fluid-generating security systems with exceptionally skittish alarms. That’s why it’s always been important to get as much help as possible to keep stressed parents sane and babies’ soft fontanels intact. Offering…

10 geekiest baby names

10 Geekiest Baby Names

Names that have their origins in the geek realm are cool. Whether or not you know who Ripley is, or what movie she is from, is inconsequential to the sound of the name and the way it rolls off your tongue. Parents are Ooooooed and Ahhhhhhed over their beautiful name choices. Most of the time,…

Geek parenting: you’re doing it right

Geek Parenting: You’re Doing It Right

After a steady adolescence filled with comics, video games, and movies, the average geek will find the Sam to their Frodo. Eventually, these geeks will collect the Green Mushroom and gain a new life. Then, these kids will be raised by the greatest parents in the universe. Check out the following pictures as proof that…